Favorite Hunting Magazine


New member
More and more I feel the old standards Outdoor Life and Field and Stream are becoming deer hunting publications. But of those two I think F&S has the most information for bird hunters. I would like to see more bird dog and shotgunning information in them. What are some of your guys favorite outdoor magazines?
Jeff stole my line, those are the 2 I get also..........Bob

Through in a plug for upland almanac and covey rise. I also like Gray's Sporting Journal, and Shooting Sportsman, but I admit that I don't read the bonefishing articles, and the bird articles are like playboy, sensational photography, light on the prose.
PF Journal and Gray's

I like the PF Journal the best probably, then Gray's Sporting Journal.
Bird Dog and Retriever News gets my vote. They've had a hard time lately adjusting to this online shift but are starting to catch up now. I've read this magazine since I was in 6th grade... 14 years now. My parents got me my first issue when I was bugging them about getting my own hunting dog... I guess they thought it would satisfy me.
I use to get one call Wing and Shoot, or Shot
Don't know if it is still out there but it would get my vote.
Then PF.:thumbsup:
Gun Dog and Pointing Dog Journal here as well; Gray's is a nice read. Our high school library gets Field and Stream; I check it out when I need a little break.
I need to resubscribe to Gun Dog as I liked it when I got it.

As far as F&S it is indeed a deer mag. Their print is WAY too small and if you're confident with your masculinity you can tear the last 6 pages out at the post office.
I like the ones put out by the States Outdoor departments too.
The commercial ones are just that. Everything about them is promoting products and working to get readers to buy things they don't need. Even all articles and features are selling products to promote the magazines advertisers.
@mnmthunting - I really like some of the state outdoor dept ones too. 'TX Parks & Wildlife Magazine' is cutting edge & 2nd to none (a good mix of hunting/fishing, camping, birdwatching, nature study & a variety of OTHER outdoor pursuits catering to all, which helps bode well for continued acceptance of our rod & gun future within the whole of society), 'CO Outdoors' is very nice too (although the 'Pennsylvania Game News' when I lived there was a little too old-timey & way outdated exactly like their old line tradition-entrenched game commission - Uh Oh, hope I didn't go starting any trouble with that last one, they need to hear it but they don't listen)...

The typical hook-&-bullet publications have become a bit blase to me at this point of my life (although to be fair, I have learned a lot from them over the years) - after a while they all start sounding the same year-after-year - and the level of advertising is obnoxious! Have to say though, even though I don't live there any more - 'TEXAS SPORTING JOURNAL' is top-notch photographic eye-candy deluxe to a sportsman & a good read jewel, a very nicely done crossover/marriage of hook-&-bullet meets Gray's Sporting Journal.

To be honest I don't subscribe to anything any more - simply don't have that much time to read - heck, I can barely find time to hunt! I just pick up a copy of whatever catches my eye or suits my fancy from time to time...
Somehow I don't think I'll think of Playboy quite the same again?!?!?:confused:

I used to get Wing and Shot, and also Gun Dog. Both were usually filled with good information to help hold a person over between seasons.
@rjbert2 - LOL, the word "EYE-CANDY" does not always have to imply Playboy-type connotations! There are other kinds of beauty you know... :p
I couldn't agree more. I think I was misunderstood. I wasn't intending to be condescending in any way. My comment was meant as an agreeable funny....I missed. This is a great thread. Didn't intend to get it off on another track.