Does anyone use eye protection for their dog when hunting? Is there a good solution on the market for eye protection?
The reason I ask is that last year my dog scrathed his cornea on two different hunting trips and one scratch developed an ulcear that had to be treated by the vet. Last year was the first time I have had any problems and I am wondinging if this happens a lot or if it was just bad luck.
I am taking precausions after the hunt such as inspecting him for injuries and flushing his eyes with a sterile eye wash.
Just wonding what everyone else does.
Thanks for the help.
The reason I ask is that last year my dog scrathed his cornea on two different hunting trips and one scratch developed an ulcear that had to be treated by the vet. Last year was the first time I have had any problems and I am wondinging if this happens a lot or if it was just bad luck.
I am taking precausions after the hunt such as inspecting him for injuries and flushing his eyes with a sterile eye wash.
Just wonding what everyone else does.
Thanks for the help.