End of my dry spell


Well-known member
Kind of dead in the Kansas forum, had some luck in SEK this weekend.

Hadn't had much luck the last couple of years, busy with work during season, major flood a few years back that hurt the population where we hunt, some bad luck here and there, new baby last year, etc, etc, etc.

Friday night drove the 1 1/2 hours to my parents, swung by my buddies river bottom field to see what was planted there, just disced corn stalks and weeds growing all spring, perfect. Rounded a bend in the field and the mother load of turkeys headed for the corner, a few took off flying, slammed truck in reverse and got out of there in a hurry.

5:45 Saturday morning dad and I park the truck and head across the field. 6:09 is legal shooting time. During the walk birds are gobbling their fool heads off to the east. Set the decoys up, and about 6:05 see a lone hen wandering towards us, paying us no mind. We'd let out a few yelps and purrs and sometimes get a gobble back, sometimes not. About 6:30 I start to see the birds flying down into the field about 200 yards east of us, other side of field. Two longbeards go into full strut, random gobbles, watch one breed a hen, more strutting, pushing a handful of hens around the area they flew down to. We're calling, but not thinking we'll have much luck with the hot hens in front of them. About 7:15 they push off to north, into spot we can't see, hear some gobbles but it sounds like its deeper in timber, or even across the river.

By this time, legs are half asleep, sun is shining right where we want to be looking, and about to give up. Then see movement in the direction they'd gone. Let out a few more yelps, get a couple gobbles in response, and in come the cavalry, about 10 jakes come running in. They get even with me and are staring at the decoys, get a little nervous, and start to turn around and go the other way. I couldn't take it any longer and let one have it. Maybe a 4" or 5" beard. Beats being skunked and I won't get a chance to hunt the next two weekends.

After the smoke cleared, asked dad if he got to witness the show for the previous hour and half. Nope, he was sitting to where he couldn't see over a slight rise in the field and only saw the lone hen the whole time we were there.


Congradulations.......looks like smoked wild turkey for dinner
Congrats on the turkey. Jakes are a lot of fun as they will do some pretty goofy stuff at times. They are better eating than the old gobblers as well.

I have got two tags and have not yet been out:eek:
heres my jake story.Last Sat,my youngest and myself went to the local honey hole.as you guys well know,the turkeys haven't been working to well this year.
For some reason,last sat the birds gobbled like they meant it.
We had two toms gobblings behind us,and at 7:10,eight jakes flew down about 150 yds to our west.After several min.the toms came out about 75 yds to our east.Within 5 mins ,the jakes had chased the toms out of the field.
After about .30 mins of calling I had those toms at 50 yds and closing.Guess what,those damn jakes did it again.Needless to say,after this time of chasing my toms,there where two less of them to try it again.
really don't like shooting jakes.But under these circumstances,didn't know what else to do.
Happy Hunting
I don't mind shooting them, Dink's taste better right, at least thats what the deer hunters say. :)
Oh, and that picture in the OP was taken in my parents back yard. When I left Sunday afternoon to come back to Missouri there was a big ol' long beard scratching in dad's mule pen, not 100 yards to the right of where we were standing taking that picture. Thought about camoing up and giving it a go, but I gave him a pass, maybe dad can get him later this week.
Nicely done sir! I've only mustered about two hours out this season, and that was late afternoon in high winds two weekends ago. I'm going to tag out this weekend, no matter what!

I didn't get any time to bow hunt this year... which sucks. :rolleyes:
That bird will work! We had Jake Turkey nuggets last week! We hunted sunday but the wind was terrible. Saw 5 gobblers but non would com closer that 150 yrds. Givin it a go again this weekend!:thumbsup:
Congrats. It sounds like a good day. For me hunting has been tough this year. I have a family farm out by McClouth that I hunt and the birds are far scarcer there than in years past. The neighbors run a lot of ATV's and dirt bikes all the time and they have pushed the roosts off of their property. Did manage one up by Lansing a couple weeks ago in the wind. I don't have much time this time of year so I may be done till dove season.
There you go!