CO more posts than SD?


Super Moderator
Why does the SD forum not have more post? CO is almost going to surpass the "Pheasant hunting capital of the world." Why can't they get all of the out of state hunters too.
I've thought about this same thing, except that Kansas is way way WAY ahead of South Dakota and Colorado for # of posts. 10,000 to 2,500 posts. Couldnt really come up with much. Any ideas on what states have the most members?
And I've been surprized that there are not more posters from Nebraska.
Because there are much fewer people living in SD. All the family/friends I have in SD, just kind of take it for granted, and pheasant hunting is just something that's always there or part of SD. Their not really die hard like us. Now I can't speak for all of SD, because I know alot of the residents really enjoy pheasant hunting, but the people I know and tell them about this website, they just don't seem to look at it or care all that much. :cheers:

Why does the SD forum not have more post? CO is almost going to surpass the "Pheasant hunting capital of the world." Why can't they get all of the out of state hunters too.
Simple answer: Population!

And Labman might have a point that many South Dakotans take pheasant hunting for granted and don't feel they need to be on a site like this. I know I'm the only one in my hunting group that's on here.
This isn't really coming from the right guy, but we shoot straight and talk less. :cheers:

I have to agree there!!!!!!!! There are probably just as many folks that hunt birds in S.D. as here!!!! I think everyone hunts there , don't they???? We just have a bunch of people, a bunch of people.........................We just like to be wanna bees!!!!! Please forgive us!!!!!:cheers:
I can't imagine that Colorado has as many resident pheasant hunters as S Dakota despite the population differences....and I'm certain there are far, far fewer non resident hunters.
I think one reason you see many Coloradans here on UPH is that you must be a real hardcore upland hunter and really love the sport to be a pheasant hunter in Colorado. There is limited access to what habitat there is and despite the good bird numbers of the past couple of years, for most seasons in Colorado the upland hunting can be really challenging due to the number of birds we have. I know I spend a lot of time and treasure driving to Kansas and Nebraska for a little better opportunities. Not to say there are no hardcore bird hunters in S Dakota, it's just easier and more commonplace to hunt pheasants there.....I just think it MAY get taken more for granted by some SD hunters.
All the family/friends I have in SD, just kind of take it for granted, and pheasant hunting is just something that's always there or part of SD. Their not really die hard like us. Now I can't speak for all of SD, because I know alot of the residents really enjoy pheasant hunting, but the people I know and tell them about this website, they just don't seem to look at it or care all that much. :cheers:

I would concure with that.
Tame birds???

I've been hunting SD for 20 years, born and raised in SD, trust me when I say this, there are more wild birds in SD than all of the other top 5 states in the United States combined. Cheers:)

Maybe people are embarassed to talk about all the tame birds they have shot in SD:D
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Another though, with all the pay to hunt many many locals can just not afford to pay that kind of money to hunt.

Lots and lots of people who used to have family or friends that let them hunt now find those places not open to them because it is now part of a pay to hunt or leased to someone or the family moved away and sold out.

I'm not against land owners leasing the land for hunting or running a pay to hunt operation, I'm just asying that it harder for locals to gain access to private land to hunt.
Another though, with all the pay to hunt many many locals can just not afford to pay that kind of money to hunt.

Lots and lots of people who used to have family or friends that let them hunt now find those places not open to them because it is now part of a pay to hunt or leased to someone or the family moved away and sold out.

I'm not against land owners leasing the land for hunting or running a pay to hunt operation, I'm just asying that it harder for locals to gain access to private land to hunt.

You are absolutely correct. I use to have some prime lands to hunt any time I wanted. Those have all disappeared in the past 10 years and I now hunt public land at least 75% of the time.
I think you are on the right track. There are more SD folks on some other boards.

If you enter this site for the first time and look around, it's pretty clear there's a strong link to high dollar pay to hunt operations.

If you poke around the threads, a lot of stuff ain't gonna play with the folks who are really into and knowledgeable about pheasants either--i.e. the focus on raising and releasing tame birds, the focus on killing predators. Heck even some moderators push those things!

tm, I have to respectfully disagree with your comments. Certainly there are some links to "pay to hunt operations" on this site. But for the most part it consists of guys who just enjoy pheasant hunting. Whether it's wild birds or preserve birds. This site is a commercial venture of webguy. If it wasn't for the commerical hunting operations advertising on this site it wouldn't exist. I know I haven't contributed any money to support this site and I doubt you have either.

No site is going to be perfect, but this one comes damn close. It's the best site I've found regarding pheasant hunting. Sometimes you just have to look past the stuff you don't agree with. We could get into a pissin' contest on a lot of issues but what good would that do. Just enjoy the site. If you don't like it you don't have to be here! Your choice.
I can't speak for others, but since hunting season closed I have just been busy with work and getting through the winter months. With several months to go before the next season rolls around, other subjects have taken over the thought process.
tm, I have to respectfully disagree with your comments. Certainly there are some links to "pay to hunt operations" on this site. But for the most part it consists of guys who just enjoy pheasant hunting. Whether it's wild birds or preserve birds. This site is a commercial venture of webguy. If it wasn't for the commerical hunting operations advertising on this site it wouldn't exist. I know I haven't contributed any money to support this site and I doubt you have either.

No site is going to be perfect, but this one comes damn close. It's the best site I've found regarding pheasant hunting. Sometimes you just have to look past the stuff you don't agree with. We could get into a pissin' contest on a lot of issues but what good would that do. Just enjoy the site. If you don't like it you don't have to be here! Your choice.

Well said DZ, I echo your sentiments.
I've thought about this same thing, except that Kansas is way way WAY ahead of South Dakota and Colorado for # of posts. 10,000 to 2,500 posts. Couldnt really come up with much. Any ideas on what states have the most members?

The Kansas forum is second, only to the main forum. I think this has to do with Kansas being a destination state for the "common man", and the first State in the pheasant range within striking distance of our Southern neighbors.

I'd say Minnesota probably has the most members on the site - that's just from observing posts from active members though.
Well said DZ, I echo your sentiments.

I agree whole heart. Could not even come close to doing that good a post..........Bob