B&P Ammo

Regardless of the quality or whatever, why would you shoot B&P shells that are made in Itally when there are as good, or better, shells made right here in the USA and offered at basically the same price and readily available.

I try to buy American made products when possible. Not always the case but I at least try.

Well, ya got us on the "buy American" charge! ;)

I wish I could find a domestic load as good as B&P delivered to my door for $12/box. I don't shoot the 1400-1500 fps loads out of my SxS and OU guns, and sadly no one markets premium loads at sensible velocities anymore in the US. Do they?
+1 Rooster Roaster
I have found nothing made in the US that is mild for my SxS's. I don't want nor need 1450 fps and refuse to shoot those in my guns. My buddy uses the Federal's and his BSE is starting to get off face.
I'd buy an American made shotshell made with premium components in a load that wouldn't damage my sxs's.
Can anyone tell me of one or one that ships to my door and cost's 8.00 a box?
FCSpringer, when you had your bad luck with the B&P loads were you using their Long Range Nickel Plated loads? They do make a LOT of different loads, and I could see a club buying the cheaper ones for your "trial shooting."

My experience, and the experience of several of my friends with the B&P 1 1/4 oz. Nickel Plated loads does not match up at all with what you are reporting. We are not trial shooters. We hunt pheasants, and not at game farms. We hold our shots to 40- 45 yards in most cases, and these shells have been terrific. No need for that super-whammy 1500 fps ammo if you can put the pattern on the bird.

Don't worry, I'm not taking offense to what you are saying. You have a right to your opinion. I'm sure you find it bizarre that people like B&P ammo, just like I find your opinion of B&P surprising, but I suspect you guys were not using the B&P Long Range Nickel-Plated ammo.
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Both RST and Polywad make low pressure loads, suitable for vintage doubles in 2", 2 1/2", 2 3/4" configurations, even spreaders for tight choked guns. All made here in America, by Americans, for $10-$15.00 per box depending on what you want, they will even make them custom for you. They hold pressures generally under 9000#s, light recoil, burn dirty, travel around 1100-1200 fps., for practical hunting, shooting birds over point, out to 40 yards they kill fine. They are not forgiving of being "just off a little" on aim, or extreme range. If I hunted over flushing dogs, where shots are a trifle longer, I wouldn't use them on pheasant sized birds either. For the purist, they even make paper, paper wad shells, everything degrades but the brass, and the shot of course, plus you get the first hand experience of why grandpa's gun has that slight ring bulge in the left barrel, that's the paper wad that didn't make it out the end, before another shot was fired unwittingly behind it! When I serious, I shoot an SX2 Light, and 1 3/8ths ounce of Fiochi golden pheasant loads. I don't trust Federal, call it the Vietnam syndrone, to many Federal .223's didn't eject from M-16's early on, to please me, all Federal. They tried to make them cheaper and it didn't work. I have a long memory.
I bought these 30 boxes for 9$ a box

Why do you find in necessary to keep bring up the fact that you robbed a Walmart of their $9 Fed shells. Every week I go to Wally world to look for clearance shells and every week they are $12.97 and then I have to go home a read how you bought yours for $9.
airmedic1;63238I have found nothing made in the US that is mild for my SxS's. I don't want nor need 1450 fps and refuse to shoot those in my guns. My buddy uses the Federal's and his BSE is starting to get off face. I'd buy an American made shotshell made with premium components in a load that wouldn't damage my sxs's.[/QUOTE said:
I'm with you on this. Why can't the ammo companies make a premium shell with the same velocities as their game loads or standard loads. I know in the early 80's I use to buy 2 3/4" Winchester shells with 1 1/4 oz. of copper-plated shot with a velocity of 1,330. They quit making them. I've used a bunch of Federal Premium PF loads at 1,500 fps and they are excellent. I just don't need 1,500 fps for effective kills nor do I need the extra recoil making the trigger guard hammer my middle finger.

SO, I emailed Federal and asked them why they don't make premium loads in lower velocity. I think there is a market for them. A bigger market than there is for the Prairie Storm. We'll see if they get back to me.
SO, I emailed Federal and asked them why they don't make premium loads in lower velocity. I think there is a market for them. A bigger market than there is for the Prairie Storm. We'll see if they get back to me.

Let us know what they say if they bother to get back to you. I'd buy that type of load too, but not for the 18-21 dollars/box they want around here. Our Walmarts don't carry Federal Premium, so we're stuck with the high priced outfits like Gander Mtn. :confused:
I asked a guy at the Federal booth today at Pheasant Fest if they had any intentions of bringing out a lower powered load for older guns. The gentleman that I talked to told me he didn't think so because there wasn't much of a demand. Just like they have no intention of the super premium in 16 b.
He said the demand was for high performance 12b, some even in 3" mag for pheasants.
I will NEVER shoot a 3" lead shell for pheasants, what overkill!:confused:
Interesting fact about B&P. Fiocchi and Kent are amongst a few major ammo makers that use B&P wads in their shotshells, this because of their reputation for quality.

Interesting read on Promotional ammo vs premium, with some interesting info on B&P. You have to read down a bit for the B&P stuff: http://www.chuckhawks.com/b-p_shotshells.htm
I would like to see just how far people actualy shoot there birds from there gun.:D I can go buy a box of fed game load low base and shoot birds quick draw at 10 yards too. Those are even less power then the BP's.

Ken, if you shoot a 12 ga. low base it has more shot and more velocity than the standard 20 ga. shell. Think how many pheasants are harvested every year with a 20 ga. The past 2 seasons I've shot the majority of my pheasants with a 16 ga. using Federal Game-Shok 1 1/8 oz. of #6 at 1.295 fps. I easily kill birds out to 40 yds with that load through an IC choke. Next year I'm going to try some of the 16 ga. low base, 1 oz. at 1,165 fps which almost duplicates a standard 20 ga. shell. I just don't need all the power and recoil to do the job effectively.
outing results

Just got back from a 3 day trip to NE using B&P MB long range #5's.

9 shells fired, 7 birds harvested. Two birds were 35-45 yards out easily. One was the longest shot I have made this season and I have even used Prairie Storm on one previous 3 day outing. Only one was crippled, all others were dead where they landed. Have to say it, impressed. Was my best shooting of the season no doubt on the last few days when the birds were crazy wild. Also after getting pounded on the previous trip using Prairie Storm, the lack of recoil these shells have is amazing.
You guys would hae me try them other than the fact that they do not make a 20ga shell that is worth a crap.
I don't know why you would say they aren't worth a crap?

The 20 b they make are the F2. I bought a case of them a couple of years ago in 7 shot because they were out of 6's. My wife has used them on wild quail and preserve chukar and pheasant with good success.
I use the 16b F2 and love them, they are both built on a 2 5/8" case. My 16b are in #5 and 6's and they are great shells. :10sign:
I wouldn't be afraid of the 20b F2 in 5's or 6's for pheasant.
Give them a try!
I don't like BP ammo compared to other ammo I see perform.

You want to give some specifics? Any load is based upon the shooter's ability also. I recently patterned a B&P #5 MB long range previously at 35 yards using modified choke. I had 204 hits on a 30 inch circle and the average amount of pellets in that 1 1/4 ounce load gives 212 pellets. That is only 8 pellets that did not hit a 30 inch circle. In my 10+ years of patterning shells with this same gun using Federal, Winchester, Kent, Fiocchi, Poly Mag, etc- I have NEVER had any hit this % using the same yardage and choke.
This thread confuses the heck out of me. We all know that certain guns pattern and perform better with certain loads, if we take the time to find out, or blunder into it with trial and error. Reality is that low velocity 12ga. shell have enough punch to kill pheasants dead, it's where we put the shot string that counts, High power shells with lots of shot, allow for margin of error. Frankly I feel like a lot of the hyberbole is so much marketing tripe. Seems like pheasants fell dead with Remington express lead 40 years ago! I am equally mistified by bloggers who cry buy American, yet triumph the virtues of Benelli autoloaders, and SKB doubles in other forums. They all collect Pittman-Robertson tax if sold retail in the U.S. Buy the shells and gun you like the best. It's all personal preference, where's the aurguement, it's the choices that make life fun!
You want to give some specifics? Any load is based upon the shooter's ability also. I recently patterned a B&P #5 MB long range previously at 35 yards using modified choke. I had 204 hits on a 30 inch circle and the average amount of pellets in that 1 1/4 ounce load gives 212 pellets. That is only 8 pellets that did not hit a 30 inch circle. In my 10+ years of patterning shells with this same gun using Federal, Winchester, Kent, Fiocchi, Poly Mag, etc- I have NEVER had any hit this % using the same yardage and choke.

We'll the percentage inside the 30" circle is one thing, the distribution inside that 30" circle is quite another. Any given load can put high percentages inside a 30" circle and have tight cores at best or maybe even blotchy or patchy distribution. Not saying yours did, just stating a fact.

Now if you had been testing using "MULLER Chokes" that distribution would have been very even and symmetrical. :eek::D
We'll the percentage inside the 30" circle is one thing, the distribution inside that 30" circle is quite another. Any given load can put high percentages inside a 30" circle and have tight cores at best or maybe even blotchy or patchy distribution. Not saying yours did, just stating a fact.

Now if you had been testing using "MULLER Chokes" that distribution would have been very even and symmetrical. :eek::D

blah blah blah blah, yea whatever there guy. This site is starting to remind me why I have left other forums.
So I have a question to all the B&P haters reading this thread, why are you here? If I didn't like the ammo- I wouldn't be wasting my time reading about it? Folks putting up their negative remarks need to take it elsewhere if it cannot be done civilly.
blah blah blah blah, yea whatever there guy. This site is starting to remind me why I have left other forums.

WOW !! Who pee'd on your corn flakes today. :eek:

Wasn't slamming B&P or your patterns at all. In fact I am actually one of the posters who think B&P makes some of the finest ammo available. I was merely stating that just because you have a high percentage of shot inside a 30" circle, it does not always coincide with a great pattern. There... does that clear things up.

Take it easy now.:D