Any musicians on here?

quail hound

Wondering if any of you guys play music? I play guitar, bass, and do a little crooning on the mic.:D I don't claim to be great at any of them but I make some noise with my band. I've been wanting to pick up a mandolin and maybe even a banjo soon (even though I'm a rocker). So how about you guys, can we put together a uph band?:rolleyes:
Have been learning the guitar. I work at it in the evenings. My gsp was not too keen of it at first. Every time I picked it up she took off to the other end of the house and hide.
Lol! My male dog enjoys my playing and singing, he'll lay next to me and listen for hours. My 2 pups not so much. They bark and howl then run off, those pups have no class.:D
I noodle around on a trumpet. Play jazz and American songbook type tunes.
Bass player...and my stable holds a 64 Fender Precision w/Rosewood neck, 78 Fender Precision w/Maple neck, and a new Dean Acoustic Bass.
Play and sing. Guitar, bass, violin, mandolin and own a banjo (!). Been in several kinds of bands through the years. Play a lot of bluegrass 'cause an old guy doesn't look so dumb doing it.
I still pick a bit when my arthritic knuckles allow that endeavor. Sold all of my electric guitars & only have acoustics now . . . 6 & 12 string.
Never was very good but I bought my wife a Baby Grand piano last year and I'll play it once and awhile just for fun.:cheers:
DVMWEB's "Banjo" and KOJA48 "Acoustic Guitar" playing on a West Virginia river in the App. Mountians being chased by Billy-Bob and his kin-folk

"Picking" would be preferable to the "being chased thru the woods" part, arthritis or not . . .
Looks like we have ourselves a hell of a band! All we need is a drummer, I'm sure someone on here can at least play the wash board.:D
Been playing guit-fiddle for about 12 yrs. played praise and worship music every Sunday for about 7 yrs -- now i just noodle in my office while I'm on conf calls...

this is me wanking a couple of yrs ago --

Very nice Southernblues.:10sign: I really like those egnator amps but I'm partial to my fender hot rod deville, as a matter of fact all my gear except bass amp is Fender.

You guys can check my band out at but I can't promise you'll like it unless you're into loud rock music.:cheers:
Band teacher told me he would give me a passing grade if I didn't show up for class:D I think he was telling me I wasn't very musicial:D