Search results

  1. K

    Good quail hunt

    Normally I'm a pheasant guy, nothing like the rush of a rooster pheasant! But, yesterday I went on the best quail hunt I've ever been on, moved 10 coveys in a half day. The coveys were big and the dogs were into birds for pretty much 5 hours straight. Our shooting wasn't good and we didn't...
  2. K

    Dog not eating when on the road hunting

    So I got myself a new pup and the little guy won't eat much when we're on the road hunting. Never had this issue before so looking for suggestions. Normally I'd give him some canned food mixed in with the dry but he's an indoor dog (my first indoor bird dog) and I don't want to upset his...
  3. K

    Dealing with stickers

    I've always owned shorthairs, decided to try something different and got myself a Brittany pup (great dog so far). Been getting him ready for the upcoming season and messing with stickers in a dog's coat is something new to me. Any tips or tricks? I really wanna trim him up but convincing the...
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    Hey guys, You know of anyone raising quail (around Wichita area)? Need some for my pup. Thanks
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    Any of you guys finding any crappie on the banks yet? Was at El Dorado last weekend, pretty slow. Planning on heading out fishing/camping somewhere this next weekend. Thinking about trying Elk City, had good fishing there 2-3 years ago. Bryan
  6. K

    Diamond Plated Dog box

    Looking to purchase one. Any of you guys know anywhere in Kansas that sells them or have any recommendations? Be interested in a used one if any of you guys are looking to get rid of one. Thanks, Bryan
  7. K

    Banded Bird

    Hey guys, just returned from South Dakota yesterday. I shot a banded rooster on Saturday, first time ever harvesting one with a band. Haven't had time to call the number yet. Any of you guys know anything about these bands? Thanks, I love SD and can't wait to get back!
  8. K

    Moved for better Hunting & Fishing

    Just got done reading a thread on Bowsite titled "Moved for better hunting opps". Any of you Kansas guys change communities for better fishing and hunting opps? My wife and I are in our mid 40's and live in Mulvane. Our kids will be out of the house in 5 years and we will be looking to...
  9. K

    Pheasant license plate

    Looking at getting a new pheasant license plate for the front of the truck. I had a sweet looking, old school, Quail unlimited one until someone helped themselves to it. Been looking on-line and haven't really found one that catches my eye. Share 'em if you got 'em! Thanks
  10. K

    Little ones!

    Not much action on the Kansas board, figured I'd post a neat story. My family owns some ground in SE Kansas (an area with no wild pheasants) and 3 years ago we released some pheasants. If I remember right it was around 7 or 8 roosters and maybe 5 hens. Seen a couple of the roosters around for...
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    Tough hunting

    My buddies and I tried the NW part of the state this past weekend. Haven't hunted up there for 7 or 8 years but it's been such a struggle this year we decided to head back out there and give it a go. Man, tough hunting is an understatement! Maybe seen 10-12 pheasants in two days with 4 guys...
  12. K

    How's the season so far?

    Just checking in to see how everyone's season is going? Don't need locations or even parts of the state. For me and the couple guys I hunt with it's been a struggle to put birds in the truck. We've hunted 5 days now and it's been the worst year I can remember. Usually we don't have many...
  13. K

    Youth Season

    Took my 12 year old son and his best friend hunting yesterday. The first field was a long walk for the boys with only one hen being seen. About 50 yards from being back to the truck I was in the middle of thinking "well this hasn't gone as planned" when his friend stepped on a rooster!!! He...
  14. K

    Thinking at changing breeds

    Hey guys, hope you are all doing well. I've been pheasant hunting 25 years now and have always ran Shorthairs. I've been tinkering around with the idea of trying something different and have been looking at Brittany's and English Setters. Am I crazy??? Give me your thoughts please. Still...
  15. K

    Boundary Waters Fishing Trip

    Have any of you guys ever been? It's been on my bucket list, I plan on crossing it off this summer! 3 buddies and I are going to make the trip this summer. We just started looking into it, all newbies so plenty of things to research/learn. Just curious if anyone had any info to share...
  16. K

    Issue with dog's nose

    For the 3rd year in a row my 9 year old GSP has gotten something lodged in his nose. Happened Wednesday when we were hunting and he sneezed and sneezed trying to get it out. I thought he got it and then today he started sneezing again and I'm pretty sure it's still in there. The last two...
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    Youth Shotgun Question

    Hey guys, My 9 year old son asked Santa for a shotgun for Christmas, which made Daddy very happy! Anyways, looking for suggestions as I've never bought a youth model before. He's not the biggest 9 year old and he's pretty soft. Do I go with a 20 gauge or a 410? Single shot, pump or semi...
  18. K

    Help with jumping puppy

    Hey guys, I have a 8 month old shorthair I need some help with. My first two dogs I never really had an issue with them jumping up on people, but this pup is driving me nuts with it. He's gotten better with me (still slips up when he's really excited) but with my kids it's every time they are...
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    20 gauge steel shot

    I've been shooting a 12 gauge O/U for the last 15 years, made the decision to switch to a 20 this year. Love the gun and have been knocking them dead with Federal Premium Copper plated 5 shot. However, I have yet to find a steel shell worth a darn for the 20 gauge. So, you 20 gauge guys have...
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    Quail around Wichita

    Need to get some quail for the pup. You guys know of anyone around the Wichita area that has some this year? Thanks