Worried about gun control? Watch this video of what did happen in our country!

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Just pointing out that this is not a isolated event. Nor is it confined to any one party. Nearly every administration since WW-2 has either implemented or attempted to implement some form of new gun control.

You're mostly correct but I think we've learned gun control doesn't work. We've relaxed gun laws across the country recently and now the talk is to renew bans that failed before.
Once we get off the Gun Control debate, we can move forward to the real problems no one seems to want to face!!!!
Good recommendation. Done.

I'd rather participate than "police for content". I volunteered to "police" for spammers (primary cause of 'Pheasant Country' website's DEATH). Come to think of it, there aren't many spammers around here anymore. My help probably isn't needed any longer. I can request a member status if that makes you feel better:confused:

Gotta say I get sick and tired of that too. I am with you.:10sign::cheers:
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Yes onpoint,

But that doesn't mean that we the people should lie down and give in. I think you know why. I for one will never give up on the Bill of rights, or anything my for fathers fought for, or anythig else, I have fought for. FREEDOM. :10sign:

I hear you loud and clear

Everybody just remember this, I have said it many, many times and now just maybe some of you will realize the fact.

I have said, when we price the common folks out of the sports of shooting, hunting, fishing Etc. We loose their voice in the voting booth. Some have argued that pay hunting, high priced shooting games such as Sporting Clays, paying trespass fee's, having to buy a lease to have a place to hunt, Etc, is just the way it is. Either pay to play or get out of the way. Well each time new gun legislation come into play. It gets easier and easier to push it further with more chance of success. Because less and less people hold it high in the order of importance in their life. It gets more and more easy to give it up. I told people this would happen for years. They still choose to bury their heads in the sand and think hogging and hording opportunity to one self wouldn't effect our future. Some(many) will choose to live in denial. More and more are willing to choose a possible better life, a roof over their head, food in their belly, heath care, Etc over gun rights. They will risk loosing those rights, rather then risk loosing everyday necessities of survival.

It doesn't make me feel better. IMO if you take on a leadership role whether it be Mod on or hall monitor, you need to be mature enough to keep yourself above the fray. I don't know why that would confuse you:confused:

I wanted to be sure of your intent before I replied. Other than that, no confusion. You don't want me to participate, I get it;)

Again, I volunteered to be a human spam-catcher. I don't care what you think about my performance as a moderator. I only did it to help, not because I was interested in telling everyone what to do/what not to do. I have no desire for power or control.

What confuses me is why you are not a moderator if you're wanting to police people. Volunteer to help Tom. You can take my spot.

If Webguy would've told me that I was forfeiting my posting priveledges, in exchange for having the ability to remove spam, I would not have done it. Maybe you can go to him and get that changed. Your opinion is just an opinion, there are no site rules stating that myself and other mods should not particpate. I didn't break any of the other rules, so you can get down off your horse.
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I think some of the moderators or wannabe moderators confuse "spam" with opinions and points of view which do not agree with the blog. We have some outrageous comments here, I think it keeps it more entertaining. As far as the moderators making some decision to be nuetral? Why would that be? I assume they have opinions and can voice them too. When we threaten banning, over discourse on a subject, or complain that the moderators be banned, it is a deteriment to the blog. If short, think there is to much moderation now! If it was just delisting spammers, I'm all in favor. We don't have to form an opinion on every blog, or comment there on.
I think some of the moderators or wannabe moderators confuse "spam" with opinions and points of view which do not agree with the blog. We have some outrageous comments here, I think it keeps it more entertaining. As far as the moderators making some decision to be nuetral? Why would that be? I assume they have opinions and can voice them too. When we threaten banning, over discourse on a subject, or complain that the moderators be banned, it is a deteriment to the blog. If short, think there is to much moderation now! If it was just delisting spammers, I'm all in favor. We don't have to form an opinion on every blog, or comment there on.

Yet another topic for the lounge:cheers: KB lets take this to the mod forum for a talk.
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I wanted to be sure of your intent before I replied. Other than that, no confusion. You don't want me to participate, I get it;)

Again, I volunteered to be a human spam-catcher. I don't care what you think about my performance as a moderator. I only did it to help, not because I was interested in telling everyone what to do/what not to do. I have no desire for power or control.

What confuses me is why you are not a moderator if you're wanting to police people. Volunteer to help Tom. You can take my spot.

If Webguy would've told me that I was forfeiting my posting priveledges, in exchange for having the ability to remove spam, I would not have done it. Maybe you can go to him and get that changed. Your opinion is just an opinion, there are no site rules stating that myself and other mods should not particpate. I didn't break any of the other rules, so you can get down off your horse.

Quick story that I've told before, but here it goes again:); Years ago I made up a dozen or so lunches and headed out for the big city. I planned on spending some time with the homeless, lost, and yes, all too often folks that just aren't all there mentally.

Before I left I was told by a young man to be vigilante and prepared for someone to say or do something that would turn me off so much I would never want to spend some time with those folks ever again:eek:.

Sure enough that was exactly what happened. Each and every time since, this what happens. Threats, physical confrontations, theft, and extreme insults.

Now I know that my example is a bit extreme, but as that smart young man told me; Don't let such frustrating things stop you from volunteering.

I'm not sure what it is, but when we volunteer our time, $, talents, or whatever it may be, there's ALWAYS something that comes our way to make our journey a pain-in-the-@$$. At times, it makes us question why we are doing it at all.

As far as I'm concerned, and most everyone else on this site, the mod's do a fine job. If someone wants a "cleaner slate", talk to Ryan about taking on a Mod position and rock-and-roll.

Also, just a side note--when anyone has a problem with a Moderator/performance, use your PM option to talk with them privately instead of insulting them publicly.;)
A quality post Nick, like always thanks!:thumbsup:
Kansasbrittany does a fine job as moderator and would be difficult to replace.
Chris Cox says shooting skeet doesn't make you a defender of the second amendment. Well Chris Cox can go to *&^%. Exactly why I don't any longer belong to the NRA. If I have to own assault weapons and vow to stand against our government. I'm not of them. You have to go Nugent to have any credibility with the NRA. They just as soon have the whole country run like a army. people armed with assault weapons on every corner, at every door way, every school, every mall, Etc. I think too many just can't get out of the military after service. That's the kind of life they want to live...well not me!!! If that is how our country goes, I'll choose some other life. I refuse to live under a police state, in a war zone. What's next, Check points?
I guess I should post the pic that will drive the people on the right crazy(a short drive for some).
One more time, this is really silly we can't delete our own post or add a pic after in the edit.
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