Why my State

Who thought of this stupid election garbage. And Why does my stupid state want to be first:mad: Last nite at 10:48 I get a text fromRomneyExposed 2012caucuses. I was so mad I could fart nails:eek: Well I sent them a text and it wasn't very nice:eek: The stupid media put 24 hours on these bonebrains and all they've ever done is lie. One month is all they need to get a candidate not a year. And Why does my stupid state keep moving their caucaus date forward no one in the state gives a s###. Make us last so them idiots don't even come here. I'm not for either side but my goodness theres got to be a better way.
My inlaws are from Council Bluffs, complained bitterly all Christmas Day about the volume and tenor of the campaign phone calls. One group in particular asks how old you are, if over a certain age, they hang up on you! They would like to know who that is!
every damn night survey calls!!!!! i'm sick of it. ready to have phone disconnected. sick of negitive ads. i would love to see a politcian say hell yea i have done some dirty or stupid things. what do you expect. then say its not like i'm running for pope or sainthood
Iowa is just the first stop, we will all get our fair share in time. :rolleyes: I can only imagine your frustration of nightly phone calls, email and negative TV ads. It’s almost an intrusion on ones privacy. :mad: I will say that the political primary promises will all be broken, just like they have in past elections. However, government corruption is at an all-time high. Our pay checks no longer have purchasing power of years past. The country is on the brink of bankruptcy. The future U.S. looks bleak for our grandchildren at best. Turn the TV off, un-plug the phone and delete your email account, but please make sure you do one important thing, VOTE!
This is what gets me

"The current U.S.A. population is over 311 million people (311,800,000 in mid-2011) so the United States has the world's third largest population (following China and India)."


311 million people and we only have less then 10 people to choose from each presidential election in a primary and they are the same Flem that floats to the top every time. How about some term limits. Then we wouldn't have 30-40-50 year career criminals. That have a grandson, nephew, son, Etc that are groomed to takes over the seat after they die or retire. Some senate or house representatives have been in their 80's. What kind of sound decisions can they be making? :(
This is what gets me

"The current U.S.A. population is over 311 million people (311,800,000 in mid-2011) so the United States has the world's third largest population (following China and India)."


311 million people and we only have less then 10 people to choose from each presidential election in a primary and they are the same Flem that floats to the top every time. How about some term limits. Then we wouldn't have 30-40-50 year career criminals. That have a grandson, nephew, son, Etc that are groomed to takes over the seat after they die or retire. Some senate or house representatives have been in their 80's. What kind of sound decisions can they be making? :(

I agree. The problem is that there are some decent people that are sent to washington. But they are soon to be corrupted by lobbyists and others who want to control the country. The problem begins with the lobbyists. Like anything else " follow the money trail". The pockets on some of these groups are extremely deep. Even when these guys are ousted, they land in cush private sector jobs.
However, government corruption is at an all-time high. Our pay checks no longer have purchasing power of years past. The country is on the brink of bankruptcy. The future U.S. looks bleak for our grandchildren at best . but please make sure you do one important thing, VOTE!

It's not all bad Okie, I see where members of congress personal wealth and salary has gone up over the years.

Term limits? Prescot Bush, GHWB, GWB, Jeb Bush, and now my prediction, watch out for George P. Bush, Jeb's son. They are starting to parade him on Fox. Fisrt he'll run for the House of Reps, then gov, then pres. He was in Naval Inteligence, he's half spanish and catholic. Ever wonder why the progressive right doesn't want the border fixed. I didn't realize how evil these people were (both parties) til I looked into the JFK assassination.

"If destruction be our lot we'll be the authors and finishers of it," Abe Lincoln.
i'm ready to rip my $%&$*^$*^#$#&# phone off the wall 10 calls this morning from surveys. i dont repond to any of them. then the occupy protesters. GO HOME PROTEST IN YOUR OWN STATE. my dog even left the house this morning from the phone or me? he ran away for the first time in 7 years. was found nailing a poodle 2 blocks away.
Back to original question:Why?


Income for state and media and some local businesses.


For fund-raising for politicians as they get attention in an early primary.

I think.
dem. or rep. one is as bad as the other. we are a land of extremes no one wants to meet in the middle you know (compromise). yes term limits would be great! :cheers: