Who Scored W/ Christmas Presents


Active member
I did very well this Christmas with the gifts. Got a Husqvarna 455 chainsaw and my 2011 Kansas nonres. license!!!!! Thanks SANTA!!!!:cheers:
all i got was a book from a guy in mississippi called the old pro turkey hunter..was all alone on christmas so i was out in fields and woods all day long..i hope to ship off an order to cabelas here with in the next week or so thats my christmas present..trying to decide what i wanna buy..:)
I got a filsons original hunting vest, a subscription to spaniels in the field, and a PF membership. Great Christmas for the quail hound this year! I guess I am finally a real pheasant hunter now that I am a member of PF.:D
got a BSS 12 ga. and a 2 year old Field Champion Beagle
Does this mean Christmas gets better as you get older?????? LOL:cheers:

I bought them for myself;)Yes I am 50 and things have gotten better!!:cheers:
I got 2 pair of jeans, a flannel shirt, a new suit case.Oh yeh under drawers and Tees as well as some long johns. Oh yeh a taurus 24/7 40 cal pistol. Bought it myself though. The Army PX/Sports store are selling guns now, fair price, no sales tax. Guess it was worth all those years now. :)
Me and benalli boy gave blackcloud a swimsuit with flames and suntan lotions for his trip to the florida keys:D I don't think he liked it very much. It's real strong suntan lotion don't want him to burn:D

I got storage bins for the shop, shirts and a couple gift cards:thumbsup Sounds like you guys did pretty good:10sign:
I got a new Laptop, that was about it. I told my wife I wouldn't be stuck in my office so much if I had one........Bob
I did very well this Christmas with the gifts. Got a Husqvarna 455 chainsaw and my 2011 Kansas nonres. license!!!!! Thanks SANTA!!!!:cheers:

Is there a connection between the chainsaw and a Kansas nonresident hunting license???????
@Coot - Love fishin the FL Keys & the Glades, butt...I was joggin the beach down there one time & saw a dude surf fishin - when the dude turned around he (yes HE) had on a thong. Ugg, I almost threw up & bout lost my will for fishin right then & there on the spot... :p

TRUE STORY - now Byrd's really gonna have nightmares!!! :eek: :D
Now I have a story about things you find when fishing the strip pits at Frontenac, Kansas. Some on here know about the goings on in SE Kansas. Wish I could tell, but the internet is too public.

Meanwhile, back to all the goodies all you good boys and girls got for Christmas.;)
I must not have been all that good: Got a Tassimo coffee/tea/cappuchino/latte maker & grudging permission from Mrs Santa to start burning up some of my totally unused 2010/11 pheasant-hunting passes be4 season comes to a close! It didn't exactly come with her pre-hunt "blessing" either... :D

On a more serious note, the Mrs & I passed on most of our Christmas presents for each other in a rough financial year so we could give more to the kids & others. I get much more of a kick out of watching all the rest get stuff instead of myself (something, something about more blessed to give than receive)...Like I said, all the stuff I like don't cost any money anyhoo! :D

Got to spend Christmas at our house for the first time in yrs with all my family from TX & with both my kids + my fighter w/the C-word is still kickin & here with us - that's more than enough for me!!!

A Happy New Year & Happy Hunting To All!!! :cheers:
I got a Garmin DC40 (I actually got it myself) and I go this sorry for the horrible qaulity of the picture

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I guess the dogs faired better. They got new Pet Porter crates(original flat bottoms:thumbsup:) and crate pads. I did get 3 cases of Fed prem PF loads, @ 9 bucks a box, for my self though. Glad everyone is having a good holliday.:cheers: