When will they fix..

I believe they call that "screen shot"

"Print Screen" PRTSC usually on your upper right corner somewhere... its a feature for mine example, i have to press FN button and hold it then press the END button which has the PRTSC under the word END on the keyboard. once that is done, you go to Paint on your windows, then paste it, volia your computer screen came up that you copied is on the screen. then i saved the picture under JPEG, usually it will save in PNG.. but that wont work for an internet picture, so make sure it goes to JPEG or other formats that will allow you to post on the net. once you saved it, i went to photobucket and then downloaded it there, then i posted it on the website and thats how i got it up.
"Print Screen" PRTSC usually on your upper right corner somewhere... its a feature for mine example, i have to press FN button and hold it then press the END button which has the PRTSC under the word END on the keyboard. once that is done, you go to Paint on your windows, then paste it, volia your computer screen came up that you copied is on the screen. then i saved the picture under JPEG, usually it will save in PNG.. but that wont work for an internet picture, so make sure it goes to JPEG or other formats that will allow you to post on the net. once you saved it, i went to photobucket and then downloaded it there, then i posted it on the website and thats how i got it up.

And here we thought that all you law enforcement people do was spend time in coffee shops and fire your weapon every now and then at the range. :D

Screen shot is just another term, but essentially the same thing. You can also press the <ALT> key then Print screen to capture whatever window is active (the one in front of all the others) instead of everything on the screen entirely.
And here we thought that all you law enforcement people do was spend time in coffee shops and fire your weapon every now and then at the range. :D

Screen shot is just another term, but essentially the same thing. You can also press the <ALT> key then Print screen to capture whatever window is active (the one in front of all the others) instead of everything on the screen entirely.

well first off i dont drink coffee, i dont eat doughnuts, and we're required to maintain 4 hours at the shooting range per two weeks with a weapon instructor to maintain our pratice and our aim. I wouldnt want someone backing me up that hasnt been to the range in a year. I have or did have expert level certification for the annual weapon quals which the 4 hours every 2 weeks helped with aim and target practice. last one was 259 out of 260 points. Thats the best you can get in just handgun. nailing 260 out of 260 is a 1-2% chance. Steven Segal can do such thing. If no one knew this, hes a deputy for Parish county or whatever it is in Lousiania. I did get a chance to come back to the police department, but I turned down the job recently. My old sgt quit working for them bc of the mileage he had to drive back and fourth and gas prices isnt easy... espeically diesel fuel.

yah you can say using <ALT> if youre using an older computer.. newer ones, especially laptops have the FN button which is in BLUE so the little icons below your numbers or some letters and mostly your F(numbers) buttons have those secondary buttons. most newer laptops past 2004 have FN buttons now. Mac Users, i have no idea if they have one.
the Ultimate Pheasant Hunting in the upper left corner of the page. It is clearly not where it should be, its covering up some other words. When I'm in charge things will be a little different.

You must be on Internet Exploder 6
Bottom line is, the former designer of UPH did a design that has cross-browser issues. Not to worry, we are launching a new site here this spring.
