Whats the biggest piece of junk?

You've all been on this earth awhile:thumbsup: What the wosrt thing you have ever bought? That one thing thats made you so :mad::mad: that you just want to let the world know don't waste your money it's junk.
I'm going to have to think about it for awhile because I've bought a few:D Don't hold back on your anger now:eek:
Not the worst but one of mine was a pair of boots from gander,gander brand i think they cost around $100 didnt even get me threw the fall! :mad:
Oh and how could i forget the banjo minnow :D
A unbreakable , shatter proof piggy bank. Dang thing took my $:D
A unbreakable , shatter proof piggy bank. Dang thing took my $:D

Did you try drilling a hole in it? :D

Biggest piece of junk I've ever bought. Where to start. I would probably have to say the first duck decoys I bought. $6 and I didn't know any better and figured that a few would work. After the first time out, paint was falling off and one of them had a whole in it, and not from being shot. Either that or my Randy Moss jersey. :cheers:
the biggest piece of junk i ever bought was my first bird dog he couldn't find his water bowl if you shoved it in his face
Klick Klack couch from fleet farm, boy I thought that would be slick, great Idea, but what a pieca $&^t, lasted 5 days and fell apart and flatten so bad you could not stand to sleep on it. I took it back. The employee said one lasted her daughter the same way. Picea c%$p thing, man I was mad about that, wrestled that thing in the house and back, had to go wrestle another one, wasted the day. I hate buying furniture.:mad: every thing is junk nowa days, and Grandma still has the same stuff you wore diapers on. Dang over seas c*7p,:D
I bought a battery charger and I couldn't get it to work:mad: took it back guy said I didn't know how to use it so I said show me:) Hour later nothing said he would replace it. I said why the hell would I want another piece of s###:D He did give me my money back.
with out a doubt a used cell phone from us cellular that matched the piece of crap cell phone i was having problems with. contract had 25 days left on it so i wasnt able to exchange phones yet. they said the cheapest option was a used phone for $30 . i said ok. WHAT A PIECE OF CRAP. keys stuck and couldnt dial any one. they wouldnt exchange it because it was used. boy was i ticked off. finally day came for my new phone. get my new phone, signed the contract, and THEN they tried to exchange all my contacts from old phone to new. guess what, the old phone wouldnt transfer. my blood pressure shot up then. i said what do we do now. she says you will have to enter all of them by hand. great how do i do that the old phones keys stick. i cant look up anything. she says thats your problem not mine. boy it got ugly at that point. i said i want my money back for the old phone. they said NO. i said fine you can keep your new phone. they said you already signed a 2 year contract:eek: i lost it. i threw the bag with all the papers, contract, and phone on the counter and yelled if thats all you can do for service keep the damn thing and stormed out. wife calls me 10 minutes later and asked what did you do! us cellular called and they want you to come back. so i go back. they were a little miffed because they lost a few potential customers from my outburst. the manager set me up with a different customer service rep and she fixed old phone so #'s would transfer. we got along great i'm calmed down and then i had to go back to first gal and collect some of the stuff i left during first outburst. GRRR. i didn't want to see her again. she gives me my stuff and asks me if i would like to donate my old phone to someone in need. GGRRRRRRR you got to be kidding.:eek: the damn things junk why would you want to give it to someone. she went to throw it away GGGGGRRRRRRR. I WANT MY OLD PHONE BACK. well if it's such a piece of crap like you say it is why do you want it back? i told her in a very calm voice that i was going to take it to the rifle range, strap it to a post, and shoot it with the biggest gun i have to release my inner tensions. she got very pale at this point, handed me the phone with out streched arms and slowly backed away. damn that felt good. needless to say i dont go there any more.
A Jeepster when I was young, dumb, and obviously really stupid. What a POS!
A 1956 Chevy station wagon. Everything on that car was replaced from breakdown. In the 3 years I had it.........Bob
A '85 s10 blazer. It's git a 2.8l v6, 4cyl power, v8 gas mileage.:mad: Damn thing cost me 200 bucks to pass smog.:mad: Open diffs front and rear, so 4wd is actually 2wd.:mad: But hey it runs great and gets me where I need to go, what more could you want for $1000?
You've all been on this earth awhile:thumbsup: What the wosrt thing you have ever bought? That one thing thats made you so :mad::mad: that you just want to let the world know don't waste your money it's junk.
I'm going to have to think about it for awhile because I've bought a few:D Don't hold back on your anger now:eek:

While going over the Cascades for my first time one winter, I had to chain up to be allowed to proceed. A gas station at the base of the pass was selling "chains." I bought some "chains" for $40.00. I didn't need them, but I would not be allowed to travel farther without them. By the time I crested the pass, some 8 or 9 miles up the road, the "chains" were flying apart, striking my wheel wells and quarter panels, and basically shot. Most worthless $40 I ever spent.
The last Benelli SBE I owned..a true pile. The hammer housing was so weak. The partitions house it would bend to the side and the hammer spring and plunger would slip passed the hammer and shoot out into the action. Did it more then once. Then on opening day of duck season. The bolt handle broke off even with the bolt well shooting it. Needless to say. I sent it down the road. I should have junked it by whipping it out in the lake.

Rated right up there with a Smith & Wesson 1000 auto loader I had years back. It was in for service more times then a Yugo. JUNK!

A 1977 Ford F250 with a 460 V8. Steering was loose, transmission slipped and wouldn't shift right. The motor knocked and ticked. Sounded like a office full of type writers.

A 1985 Ford F250 4x4 also with a 460 V8, It was more like $x$. Leaked oil, blew a head gasket, went through three water pumps. I left so much anti-freeze on the road. They didn't have to salt and sand for a whole winter.
I WANT MY OLD PHONE BACK. well if it's such a piece of crap like you say it is why do you want it back? i told her in a very calm voice that i was going to take it to the rifle range, strap it to a post, and shoot it with the biggest gun i have to release my inner tensions. she got very pale at this point, handed me the phone with out streched arms and slowly backed away. damn that felt good. needless to say i dont go there any more.

I do this with old cell phones people leave here, makes me feel better about dealing with the general public all day. Now I'm no rocket scientist, but if I am entering a contract to pay money, I'm damn well going to know what is on it. It irritates me when people come in whining and realize it was their own fault for not paying attention or a different stores fault then they scream at me, not much else I can do. But shooting old cell phones, whether with the high power, or as a clay target, does make one feel better about technology and just shooting makes me feel good. :cheers:
2002 Suzuki vinson 500 4 wheeler should have stayed with Honda in the first place but liked the price better than the little voice telling me to keep looking. Sold it at a loss and bought another Honda, the kid has not killed it yet but he sure ran the sh#* out of it thiswinter with the snow we got.