What do you guys think of this bird??


New member
I am by no means a bird expert. But if I shot it I'd call a "True Albino". Albino's happen is all species of life including humans...........Bob
I am by no means a bird expert. But if I shot it I'd call a "True Albino". Albino's happen is all species of life including humans...........Bob

I tend to agree that it is a form of being albino but I've seen an albino before and it's truly white. It's almost like this one was caught in between.
I don't know what to think of that albino??? Spence, Thanks for sharing the pic.:coolpics::thumbsup:
hermaphrodite :confused: Mybe it wanted to be a hen and never got the sex change..... I would love to have that mounted i bet that is the oldest roster in kansas Cool bird :thumbsup:
An albino is generally pure white. I sure wouldn't consider that bird an albino.

Agreed, his head is completely normal.... He will be on the wall for sure.
Yup, Good choice to put that one on the wall.:cool:

Very rare for sure.
If you are hanging on to that rack here in Ks you need a tag for it. If it was found while hunting contact a game warden and he can get a tag so you can keep it legally.
"Here in Kansas".... Cause I'm not from here and all. Thanks Guys I've got it covered.
I would call that a "buff" rooster. Our local game farm produces a lot of birds like that, but a truly wild buff is definitely a wall hanger. On another note I bet that coloration wouldn't impress a hen to much during mating season, possibly why we don't see more of this variation.
Good call on the "Buff" Rooster... I did a little google searching on that, and thats about the closest I've seen to what this bird looks like.
Altho I did not see one like that this year, I usually see one every year off a certain piece of ground. They are a tad more colorfull than this. I have a wreath made from a young one and will photo it one of these days. That's a more mature bird there.