What are you doing on this last day of our lives?


Active member
12-21-12 the end!

Going out with a "Bang" or anything?:D
I decided to celebrate with 12-14" of snow, followed by "allegedly" 30-40mph winds, spend some time knocking accumulation off the bush and tree limbs I can reach, and maybe later, just 'cuz I can, taking a pack over to the valley and making a cup of coffee in the lee of the bluffs. It is neater to do this in the darkness of the wee hours of the morning, when there is no world but the immediate surroundings, but I been sickly this year and maybe shouldn't do dumb things as often anymore.


Be kind of ironic if the last thing one heard was a vast, echoing, ghostly Mayan laugh, wouldn't it?

Trying to pretend it's all a big mistake when I know it isn't and just being SUPER NICE to everybody. :):):):):):) <big sigh>
I plan on experiencing "The End" tomorrow while following my pup & carrying a fine shotgun, so today I'm readying my gear.
GOODBYE EVERYONE:( THis is the last time I get to type with these no bend fingers of mine:( How many wrong letters will I hit trying to type this:D I enjoyed posting on here. You guys are much nicer then them Bic#### on the peta forum:D I'm sorry for making viking fans mad. What the heck am I saying. I'm lying there:( don't want to go out that way:D
Pretending to work while I dream of hunts, past and future! If not, well, I'm glad I had my best season ever - might as well go out with a bang!
good bye everyone. i hope i end up where cootie goes. i couldnt image not being able to pick on him in the after life. on second thought maybe i wont go with him. i dont like extreme heat :D
I will be doing some of the paperwork for the purchase of some land I am buying. I am going to be really pi$$ed if it's for nothing ;)
Last day

Trying to decide if I should make one last three day hunt to eastern sd. George says stay home, but dog says let's go. Hard to make a decision. Probably wont see a thing, but dog doesn't agree. Don't know what to do.
People are telling Apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. :)
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THis is the last time I get to type with these no bend fingers of mine

That certainly explains why you display the middle one on each hand so much, Cootie . . .

Good call, BC . . . tho Hell might be a better choice, 'cuz after Coot arrives, folks down there will repent like crazy & Heaven & Purgatory are gonna get a mite crowded . . .
Trying to decide if I should make one last three day hunt to eastern sd. George says stay home, but dog says let's go. Hard to make a decision. Probably wont see a thing, but dog doesn't agree. Don't know what to do.

listen to the dog............go.
So far nothing:mad: I did let a couple monster farts out tis morning:( Then I remember one of them Myayan shows where they said the dude was wearing some sort of breathing thing:eek: I thought really this is how it's going to end:D Looks like you guys are going to have to put up with me until the next end of the world day:)
I am feeding cows. I think I will give them a little extra in case they survive and I don't.

:10sign: <I am going to be laughing for awhile>
I will be doing some of the paperwork for the purchase of some land I am buying. I am going to be really pi$$ed if it's for nothing ;)

Congratulations Steve! I can hardly wait till my day comes. It would be a bum deal if the world ended right after you finally got the place:D

To the OP, I went bird hunting. I figured just in case it happens :rolleyes: there's nothing I'd rather be doing. Now I'm enjoying some of the famous Blind Tiger beer at my house, with my baby girl on my lap. If this is my last day on earth, I'll take it!
Well, it WAS the end of the world . . . for 8 of 9 Pheasants & pup put-on a clinic.