What animal?

Lets say God gave you the power to get rid of ONE animal he created:eek: What would you choose? And no one better say COOT:mad::D I would say Mosquito. They've already made me :mad: and I'm like God slow to anger:)
Ticks get my vote. Devilment to both dog and man. I have defeated fleas, and kept mosquitos at bay. The ticks require a level of chemical destruction I am uncomfortable with, so must be endured for the most part, due to collateral damage, songbirds, beneficial insects, dog poisoning, maybe even me. The ticks are having a good year so far!
I was turkey hunting last week and bombarded with mosquito's:eek:. Such little creatures, yet they managed to push me out of the woods! Maddening:mad:!!

Ticks are bad, but mosquito's take the cake as far as my least favorite creature!
I'll throw in for 'skeeters' as well; but fire ants are a very close second.
Also have a problem with ticks. I started doing what a old time hunter told me when I was a kid. He told me to put apple cider vinegar in the dog's water. It don't take very much 2 or 3 tablespoons at first so the dog gets used to the taste. then adjust to your dog's weight.
I'm with JMc, the rest of you boys obviously ain't never been south. FIRE ants are #1 on my hit list & chiggers run a close 2nd (if you think ticks are bad, just wait till you are scratchin your behind from a bunch of itchy little chigger welts)... :eek:

As to "animals" in addition to insects, I say down with out-of-control wild hogs throughout the southern U.S., but good luck on ever getting a handle on that cat-out-of-the-bag (same with fire ants too for that matter)... :mad:
Ticks!!!!!! Hate them. Hate Them. Hate Them:mad::mad: Pulled 3 off the dog yesterday and 5 off of myself. Felt like they were crawling on me the rest of the day. Thats why i wont grouse hunt until everthing is frozen.

Damn coons!
Mosquitos for me. I chose to live in an area surrounded by lowlands to insured I wouldn't end up living next to a housing development some day. With that came a lot of mosquitos, but they were the lesser of two evils. .... Actually can I change my vote to people who line the pockets of the damn developers by moving into developments?! :nutz:
what ever insect or spider i,m allergic to that put me in the hospital a couple of years ago. couldnt breath. ambulance ride to hospital. swelled up so bad my own sons didnt recgonice me. was on leech lake fishing. sucks to be blackcloud some days. ticks i can handle. deer flies and skeeters i cant.
Ticks in Dog World...Rats in People World

I'd have to say definately ticks on behalf of all my canine friends. On behalf of myself it would have to be rats....I can't stand them things!!!

Capn', Last time I looked skeeters wuz an insect:cool:, but I'll nominate Peppi La Phew. HATE to have the dogs run into him or step on him when pheasant huntin'!

No question!! It's the DEER TICK!! I mean no doubt!!:eek:
SO? do Y'all;) realize how many folks up here are getting or have had Lyme disease.:(
No question!! It's the DEER TICK!! I mean no doubt!!:eek:
SO? do Y'all;) realize how many folks up here are getting or have had Lyme disease.:(
Yes dear ticks suck. I vote for the buzz worms, Rattle snakes, hate them and run into them yearly. Skunks are a buzz kill also. skunks are not as big a deal in my area PU.:D