Alright, seems I am transferring my Iowa experience to North Dakota and that is not appropriate here. The farming forum I participate in had a discussion and it seems many like the way it is. Or, if they don’t like it the way it is now they don’t think the bill will correct the issues they have with current law.
A few thoughts from the members:
“What was initiated by the DAPL protests as a need to re-write our private property trespassing laws has now been spun into a big bill that is primarily focused on hunting access. Being a land owner and a hunter I have concerns about this bill.”
“I live in a prime waterfowl migration area where we get lots of non resident hunters every year. There's a lot of respectful hunters that come here, but also a bunch of guys who think it's the wild west and our trespass/hunting laws (waterfowl hunters are allowed to drive off trail) give them the right to do whatever they want. We have a lot of trouble with hunters driving off trail and tearing up fields, leaving ruts, etc.”
“This bill in ND does nothing to stiffen up penalties for trespassing, which in the past has been a big problem with our current laws. Without consequences slob trespassers and hunters will continue on like slobs.”
“If it isn't obvious already, i'm not in favor of this bill being passed. I don't think it addresses any of the real issues we need to fix and it's only going to drive more of a wedge between land owners and non land owning hunters (something we already have a problem with in this state).”
“I've been told by a pretty reputable source that one of the main representatives pushing this bill along happens to be a landowner that is in cahoots with a hunting outfitter and leases his land to said outfitter. Coincidence that he's trying to create tougher land access for hunters?”
“Rutted up fields, rutted up roads, trash being left in piles by fields, broken/damaged decoys being left in fields, holes dug in fields so hunters could lay flatter?, walking in fields with swathed canola (canola growers would know how bad that is), hunting guides posting my land without talking to me, leaving vehicles on road while they walk the slough next to the road - and I need to get buy with farm equipment.”
“I have had my No Hunting signs taken down by deer hunters. Frustrating.
I have waterfowl hunters tell me that muddy fields are no problem to them because they have four wheel drive in their vehicles.
I gave up posting except this past year I put up some hunting signs I got that said "walking hunters welcome" put up near a good area for waterfowl hunting. I got a pile of cheese from a Wisconsin hunter telling how much he appreciated the land being marked to welcome hunters (walking only) since he has seen so many posted areas.”
“Actually, having it posted doesn't make much difference. I learned a long time ago apparently no one in MN or Wisconsin can read, or at least they sure as hell can't see the no trespassing signs.”
“ Have had duck hunters drive through soft fields and “it doesn’t matter because your going to work the field anyways”. Good thing I practice no till buddy.
I have no problem with the guys that ask, they are usually hunting like it should be done imo and putting in the time.”
“I'm grateful we have all "good" hunters. We don't post our land and every Hunter still asks. They've all been courteous and respectful”
So I guess maybe I’m more wrong than right in my thinking, just not the way it’s done here. That certainly doesn’t mean what N.D. has isn’t the way it should be for them.
So I guess I’ll just stay out of it.