Strip them of their title, confiscate rings and ban them from 2012-2013 season


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New Orleans Saints players and at least one assistant coach maintained a bounty program the last three seasons for inflicting game-ending injuries on opposing players, including Brett Favre and Kurt Warner — a pool that reached as much as $50,000 and paid specific amounts for ''cart-offs'' and ''knockouts,'' the NFL said Friday.

The former Cardinals QB was injured in a 2010 playoff game against the Saints.

The report said the pool amounts reached their height in 2009, the year the Saints won the Super Bowl.

The league said between 22 and 27 defensive players were involved in the program and that it was administered by defensive coordinator Gregg Williams, with the knowledge of coach Sean Payton.

Williams, who was hired in January as defensive coordinator by new Rams coach Jeff Fisher, released a statement through the Rams admitting guilt.

“I want to express my sincere regret and apology to the NFL, Mr. Benson (Saints owner), and the New Orleans Saints fans for my participation in the ‘pay for performance’ program while I was with the Saints," Williams' statement read. "It was a terrible mistake, and we knew it was wrong while we were doing it. Instead of getting caught up in it, I should have stopped it. I take full responsibility for my role. I am truly sorry. I have learned a hard lesson and I guarantee that I will never participate in or allow this kind of activity to happen again.”

No punishments have been handed out, but they could include suspension, fines and loss of draft picks. The league said the findings were corroborated by multiple, independent sources, in an investigation by the league's security department.

''The payments here are particularly troubling because they involved not just payments for 'performance,' but also for injuring opposing players,'' Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. ''The bounty rule promotes two key elements of NFL football: player safety and competitive integrity.''

Clean it up!
You're in for a long day going up against these guys. Meet the 12 dirtiest athletes in sports.

Payoffs included $1,500 for a ''knockout'' and $1,000 for a ''cart-off,'' with payouts doubling or tripling during the playoffs.

''It is our responsibility to protect player safety and the integrity of our game, and this type of conduct will not be tolerated,'' Goodell said. ''We have made significant progress in changing the culture with respect to player safety and we are not going to relent. We have more work to do and we will do it.''

The league absolved Saints owner Tom Benson of any blame, but said the investigation showed Payton and general manager Mickey Loomis knew about the bounty program.

''Although head coach Sean Payton was not a direct participant in the funding or administration of the program, he was aware of the allegations, did not make any detailed inquiry or otherwise seek to learn the facts, and failed to stop the bounty program. He never instructed his assistant coaches or players that a bounty program was improper and could not continue,'' the NFL said.

When informed about it earlier this year, the NFL said Benson directed Loomis, to ''ensure that any bounty program be discontinued immediately.'' However, the NFL's report said the evidence showed Loomis did not carry out Benson's directions, and that in 2010 Loomis denied any knowledge of a bounty program.

''There is no evidence that Mr. Loomis took any effective action to stop these practices,'' the NFL said.

Benson responded to the NFL's report saying: ''I have been made aware of the NFL's findings relative to the 'Bounty Rule' and how it relates to our club. I have offered and the NFL has received our full cooperation in their investigation. While the findings may be troubling, we look forward to putting this behind us and winning more championships in the future for our fans.''

The NFL began its investigation in early 2010 after receiving allegations that quarterbacks Warner of Arizona and Favre of Minnesota had been targeted. After interviewing several Saints who denied the bounty program existed — and having the player who originally made the allegations recant — the league couldn't prove anything.

However, Goodell said the NFL ''recently received significant and credible new information and the investigation was re-opened during the latter part of the 2011 season.''

Favre's agent, Bus Cook, said he was unaware of the investigation until Friday. He said the Saints should have been penalized for several hard, late hits during the 2009 NFC championship game and that he believed the contact was not coincidental.

''It was pretty obvious that the intent was to take Brett out of the game, and it happened the week before with Kurt Warner, too,'' Cook said. ''I don't know anything about whether it was by design or whatever, but I think a lot of people shared that same viewpoint that there were some hits that didn't get called.''

Cook, however, said Favre never suggested to him he was maliciously targeted.

''That's part of football, getting hit,'' Cook said. ''Brett never complained to me one way or another.''

Responding to a fan's comment on Twitter that - even if the Saints had a bounty program - the playoff hit on Warner was clean, the former Cardinals quarterback messaged back, ''I would have to agree with you!!!''

The National Football League Players Association released a statement about the NFL's findings:

"Health and safety is a paramount issue to the NFLPA. The NFLPA was informed of this investigation by the NFL earlier today and will review the information contained in the league’s report."


Strip them of their title,, confiscate Super Bowl rings and ban them from the 2012-2013 season I knew this was going on when they took out farve and knocked the vikes out of gong to the Super Bowl.
Yup. That would put the lid on future boil-overs.
It was pretty obveious that was what they did in that game with Favre, dirty pool all the way. But to get paid to do it? Man that is just scuz eatin bottom feeder kinda scum low life sort of a thing. What a bunch a cheatin LOOSERS. I think they should strip the title away as well. Look what happened to Pete Rose for less. Hang em! Never let the ones involved play again.
Wow that is just crazy
Hit em where it really hurts- unpaid suspensions
25k or 50k doesnt matter to them. Sit them down unpaid to the tune of 500k in some cases

Yet another reason I hate professional sports
As a Bears fan I recall a game where one of Saints did some kind of foot stomp on Jay Cutlers throat/neck?

Seems more clear now..
Seems so funny , all the rules implemented by the NFL to cut back on injuries. It's obvious that the Saints were out for QB,s Obvious to me and all that follow the NFL. So why does it take so long for NFL officials to come forward with this?
Sean Payton and Drew Breeze brought a championship to New Orleans area. Good for NFL and good for a City destroyed by Katrina.

Yeah! NFL better get tough on this. Fines don't mean shyt! Payton Should get the permanent boot from the NFL along with the D coordinator and all coaches who allowed the bounty. Players on their own, one thing, coaching it is quite another. Team punishment like stripping the title and rings in this case is appropriate. :mad::mad:
Kind of figure that all right-minded folks are offended, but how many of us are truly surprised?

Going back hundreds of years, The Bears had Fencik and Plank on defense. You could have done a study in aerodynamics for the number of times they just came "spearing in" on a receiver. Don't know that a specific bounty was paid, but I'm sure their performances were reflected in their next year's salary, or bonus, or some such.

For all the (self-attributed) wonder of humanity, people pretty often stink.

Wasn't it the vikings that coached take the knees out in the 90's . Every team has this bounty stuff. Saints got the bounty too high most teams 500 dollars for a sack 1000 for hurt QB. Theres been lots of articles writen on it. Don't like it. Why would you want to take out a good player? I'd want to play against the best not a back up. Viking fans get over it you would of had a superbowl win if dilfier was the QB and not farvieO:D
OH come on coot, you really think this is a Viking fan thing. No one cares about that any more. It does not matter who or what player it was. It is a moral thing. These are the over paid gang bangers your kids have to use as public role models. Thats what it's about.:rolleyes: You can't base this day and age and or compare it to the old days either. The league and entertainment has changed as it has in many sports. Safety for players and being able to retire, with the ability to still function as a normal person, or remember your name. Those are the reasons the days of old are gone, or are supposed to be. With every team. It would not have mattered if it were the saints or any team. If the Vikes or any team would get caught at this crap, I would feel they should be banned as well. I seriously doubt staffers or owners or coaches of too many teams condone this style of play any more. Some idiotic individuals, sure. And they get fined as they pop up each game. Most of the time it is the coach who is chewing their a$$ every time for hurting the "teams" chances of winning. I also felt the same way about Bellicheat, the coach and staff that were caught red handed cheating, and recieving the other teams play calls the year they won all those games. That is the sort of thing men paid this much should not do in the light of Americas youth. Pro sports need to take a stiffer stand on this sort of thing. Or they are basicly saying we tossed the moral values of this Nation out the window. Just my thoughts.
Moral values from sport figures? Never thought of that:eek: Is it not the OWNERS responsiblity to see that the team is run right? Fine them millions and stop building them stadiums. I'm sure you would of handled millions of dollars much better when you where 22 years old:thumbsup: Kids get your moral values from rush limbuaghal:D
Gregg Williams was saying at the time they were goingto hit the QB so that he would not get up. Said he did not care about penalties for late hits. Why wasn't Goodell on it then? Williams should be banned from the league for life. Then this kind of stuff will stop. A few milloin dollars is like inviting them over for cookies. This is on the coaching staff and they should pay with their careers.
I don't think it's that big of a deal. Been going on for years on lots of teams.

As long as the hits are legal then let boy be boys. If the hits are illegal the league will get them anyway.

QB's are becoming pantywastes with all their protection anyway.
I don't think it's that big of a deal. Been going on for years on lots of teams.

As long as the hits are legal then let boy be boys. If the hits are illegal the league will get them anyway.

QB's are becoming pantywastes with all their protection anyway.

:10sign::10sign::10sign: It's football not girls night out:)
:10sign::10sign::10sign: It's football not girls night out:)

Yes it is football not the roman gladiators. I played football in high school and college, granted not the NFL. I appreciate a good hard hit as much as any one but it needs need to be clean. I never had a coach tell me to go ahead and hit the QB after the play is over to try and take a player out of the game. Gregg Williams said that was what he was going to do before he did it. I've seen too guys many end up with bad knees for the rest of their lives to be OK with cheap shots.
I agree.
For one, Pro sports are in fact looked up to by Americas youth. They are supposed to be role models to young players. Thats the very reason for punt pass and kick, youth camps and so on put on by NFL players and staff. 2nd, 22 years??? not so. Most of those players were older then that in the league for some time. Many early to mid 30's, like Vilma, Sharper, Fugita and so on. Far from being foolish youth. They knew better, and so did the coach. He stated so in his interview that they knew they were in the wrong. They simply thought it would be kept among themselves. That was their mistake. They did for a bit, but the egos and bragging started.
No it's not girls night out, but there is still plenty of good hard hitting action in football without this sort of thing going on. Bottom line it's wrong and they will pay for it one way or another. Some just hope it's more firm then you folks that think it's OK is all. I for one think a little 5 grand fine is no where near enough for this sort of thing. Reports are stating they in fact are looking at federal charges. So I doubt the NFL will share your sentiment. Time will tell. Breeze is a free agent, with out his team, he may as well sign else where. LOL
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Pretty poor to think these guys were stupid enough to actually do this. This type of thing has been going on for years. Buddy Ryan was accused of this years ago. The NFL will give lip service to cleaning this up, but not much will come of it. They have put up with all kinds of crap for years. The NFL is all about image and marketing their product. Just another example of spoiled millionaires living by their on set of rules. There are good character players, but most are spoiled beyond repair.
The NFL cannot... repeat cannot... go lightly here. With all the fines in the past year or two since the rule changes for late or illegal hits ala James Harrison of the steelers, to do otherwise would be a double standard. Like the rules or not that is what the NFL has adopted. If your Goodell I don't think you have a choice, you have to stick to your guns with your no tolerance policy and be consistent or otherwise this whole campaign about protecting players will be exposed as just an image fluffing farce.

Just my .02
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Well Bellacheat was fined 500,000 for his role in the cheating he did, the team 250,000 grand, so 750,000 just for stealing plays from radio signals. Plus loss of draft choices. I tend to think it will be worse. Plus if they are indited on criminal racketeering charges, it ain't gonna be pretty for NO. With this impending, it's no wonder they have not made a high price long term deal with Breeze.;)
I guess I don't see the probelm. Every play I seen on TV nothing wrong. warner should of paid attention:D. Legal play!!!!! Offenses have bounties for scoring TD's or 100yd rushing games and no sacks giving up. Hall of fame is full of nfl lawbreakers:eek: 3 years for the NFL to do something. Fine them. Really guys you thought this stuff doesn't happen. It happens every football sunday. And they coach it all season long. Watch the NFL channel.
I guess I don't see the probelm. Every play I seen on TV nothing wrong. warner should of paid attention:D. Legal play!!!!! Offenses have bounties for scoring TD's or 100yd rushing games and no sacks giving up. Hall of fame is full of nfl lawbreakers:eek: 3 years for the NFL to do something. Fine them. Really guys you thought this stuff doesn't happen. It happens every football sunday. And they coach it all season long. Watch the NFL channel.

I have been watching the NFL channel. There is talk there that Williams might face a lifetime ban and Payton may be suspended for some length of time. Somebody must see the problem.