The private sector will not be facilitated by the weight of new regs and taxes - but will still perform.there is no doubt that the Fed has tremendous influence regarding liquidity and their policies have great influence over all markets...they finished their last tightening in latter 2018, and the market sold off 20% in the 4th quarter of that year...created a buying opportunity, IMO...bottomed on 12/24/18, if I recall correctly...I believe that the private sector will continue to provide the goods and services that we consume, and investors who own the private sector will receive returns that vary a great deal...nothing new...always been that way...could easily happen that returns go flat or decrease for extended periods of time...nothing new. Dividends will still get paid. I can cash and spend those checks. I plan very conservatively, and advise others to as well. Just my .02.
However, we are talking about stocks. Which no longer have much to do with private sector performance. P/E ratios prove this quite convincingly, to me at least. It is no longer about current or projected earnings, much.