Well I had more chances at a bird today then I have ever had. LOL that's the good news. I missed everything.
Still had a blast and I know I am just learning so it's going to get better.
First time hunting in snow and I can see how it makes tracking the birds easier.
I have a question so i will try and make this as short as possible.
The first property I tried had some cut down corn in the middle and a bit of high grass around the edges so i thought it would be a good spot. So i parked the car 1/4 mile down the road and was careful not to slam the door. I let the dogs out and off we went.
I start seeing tracks right away. I get on top of a small hill and i see behind it there is a patch of real thick brush 300 yards away still on the property i can hunt. Sweet! I head over there. As I start to get close I hear pheasants making what ever noise it is they make. My dogs and I come in on the right side of the brush and they run/flush out the left side. I try the next section of brush coming in the left side and they run/flush out the right. This happens all the way through never giving me a shot really. I mean I took some shots but it seemed like they were always just a little out of range.
Is there something I could have done different/better. I was hunting on my own. fwiw
Also I flushed 100+ birds out of one spot today. Missed everything
Will the birds be back there next weekend or have I scared them away from that spot for a long time?
Thanks in advance for any info/pointers I get.