Snow Depth

Measured this morning... down to 14 inches at my place. Seems to be going down at at least an inch a day with temps in the upper 30's low 40's. I am starting to see some good cover becoming exposed again.
Measured this morning... down to 14 inches at my place. Seems to be going down at at least an inch a day with temps in the upper 30's low 40's. I am starting to see some good cover becoming exposed again.

The brutal COLD/Winter is gone. now we are gonna get the Warm/Slush weather here on out to spring. I dont see any COLD air coming as far as 30s-40s here..
Yeah, if we can make it through March without a major storm that will be a real blessing for everything.

The snowmelt on the National Weather Service Charts is really lit up the last couple days.

Next sign will be the snow geese returning north.

We've seen a few heading north today. Not many but a few, and that is all I need to start feeling a little more chipper. :D I'm ready for some warmer weather.
Are you guys seeing ground,or bare spots yet?
Nice weather up here, snow is melted down and some ground showing up.:cheers:
Are you guys seeing ground,or bare spots yet?
Nice weather up here, snow is melted down and some ground showing up.:cheers:

Not yet, might be awhile before we see bare ground. On the bright side, I hope to have the three inches of ice at the foot of the driveway off by the end of the week.

Our weatherman says that we haven't seen 40 degrees since Dec 1 so the ice and snow is melting but slowly. Seven day forecast has us below 40 degrees for at least the next few days.
I went to rapid city last weekend, and my god they basically have NO snow there....

but i have to say we're losing a foot of snow each day here and its been hitting 40's here. Sioux Falls is already reporting floods in some areas.

I still hear we're suppose to get over 8 inchs of snow for the month of march.. even if we did get that, it would melt fast. Im just hoping it doesnt go from 40's to -22 over night for those nights to come.

i havent seen bare ground to the grass but i can see the curbs now that i havent seen in 3 months. and the Geese that stay in the WARM water of the capital, are now not stayin in the water at nights as they did in the past. they are sleeping on the snow/grass instead of the water.

It used to be FULL of geese and ducks in the water any time of the day/night. now i seen maybe 7 birds in the water while the numbers of geese has depeleted dramatically and few still stay but sleeping on the grass.

its a good sign that its not gonna be cold and that spring IS coming.
Most of the snow down here is down to about a foot or so and many places are showing some grass and bare dirt. It's looking good down here. We had some rain last night and I think that helped get rid of more snow than it initially appeared.
I have 6" hight tulips and managed to get my first sunburn of the season working out in the yard today. We are hurting for moisture here in Idaho this year....hopefully there will be enough water for the cutthroat!
....almost forgot, I also pulled a couple of ticks off the dog already. Made a online purchase for frontline yesterday. I spend a fair amount of time online and found that Amazon had by far the cheapest prices for those of you that will be ording it this spring. Cheers
I have 6" hight tulips and managed to get my first sunburn of the season working out in the yard today.

You really know how to make a guy feel bad. :) I still have 2-3 feet of snow in my front yard and 1-3 in the back. But in the alfalfa field behind me I am starting to see some stems finally poking through the snow so it is finally starting to go down. Out of town in the open areas you are starting to see open spots. Our forecast is rain & snow the next 4 days. Likely more rain than snow with the temps in the mid to upper 30's. Suppose to be sunny and in the 40's this coming weekend. So a week from today I expect there will be a lot less snow around.
So nice to see bare spots. Turkeys and deer are working the north edges of the openings where the sun has melted good size areas. :cool:
Left town for a week last Tuesday and came back yesterday. What a big change.
Lots of open spots in the fields for the birds here in the southeast. I still have 3' drifts of what is now just something short of slush. The creek is starting to flood tho it is not open.
Idaho--my son in McCall says there is very little snow there also and they actually need moisture--unlike last year.