Sick Dog


Super Moderator
My German Shorthair has come down with something over the weekend. :( She's been vomiting, and has had diarrhea to boot. She starting getting sick Friday night. The vomiting pretty much just went through the evening and night on Friday, but she is still having bouts of diarrhea. I'm having to let her out every few hours at night, so the diarrhea definitely seems more prevalent in the evenings/nights than in the daytime (although even during the day her stools aren't solid, just less frequent bowel movements).

I turn her loose (supervised, somewhat) in the morning and evening for exercise. I don't always maintain a line-of-sight with her, so she could very well have gotten into something while she was out of sight.

I'm not particularly worried about dehydration, as she has been taking in plenty of water. Her mood and energy level has been "normal", although the first evening/morning she did seem somewhat lethargic, and had a lack of appetite.

I think I'll take her to the vet in the morning just to be safe, but do any of you fellas/ladies have an idea as to what could be the problem here? Also, is there anything around the house I could give her this evening to help with her upset stomach?

Thanks in advance for any advice/information you can provide! :)
Hey Wildcat our Chessie had the same symptoms, took him to the vet he told me that he probably got into something, so he prescribe some anti-flammatory drugs along with an antibiotic he was good to go in a week and 1\2.
Most likely ate something that didn't suit. I have seen this with everything from a sharp piece of bone that got lodged somewhere, and caused this type of reaction, to kids crayons, or silly putty. Even hook worms, which are notoriously hard to kill, can created these symptoms. I have also heard of dogs who drank water from a pond that is in it's spring turnover come down with these symptoms. If it persists for more than 48 hours, I would seek out the vet. In the meantime a diet of cooked rice and hamburger, is easily digestable, and soothe the system, along with an electrolyte powder from the farm store in the drink.
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I'm guessing she got into something too Mr Hyde. I guess I'll know tomorrow when she goes to the vet.

Thanks Pete I've had her on boiled hamburger and rice since Saturday.

Any ideas as to any safe human supplements I can give her for the diarrhea and upset stomach in the meantime? Most pet or farm and home stores are already closed, or have been all day due to the holiday.
I'm guessing she got into something too Mr Hyde. I guess I'll know tomorrow when she goes to the vet.

Thanks Pete I've had her on boiled hamburger and rice since Saturday.

Any ideas as to any safe human supplements I can give her for the diarrhea and upset stomach in the meantime? Most pet or farm and home stores are already closed, or have been all day due to the holiday.

Check with your vet, but Pepto bismol used to be ok to give to dogs with upset stomachs/vomiting and or diarrhea. I personally have used it on my older dog, although quite a while ago, so I can't give you a dosage.

Edit: Looks like large dogs can take 1 tablespoon up to 3 times daily from what I can find.
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I'm guessing she got into something too Mr Hyde. I guess I'll know tomorrow when she goes to the vet.

Thanks Pete I've had her on boiled hamburger and rice since Saturday.

Any ideas as to any safe human supplements I can give her for the diarrhea and upset stomach in the meantime? Most pet or farm and home stores are already closed, or have been all day due to the holiday.

Keep us posted. Dang dogs will eat anything that stinks. Had one come in with a horse hoof once. :(
Hope it turns out okay. My vet once recommended to me that I give one of my dogs Pedialyte when she was throwing up to help keep her hydrated. I've used it several times since then when I think it's necessary. Both of my dogs seem to like drinking it too, which definitely helps. Keep us updated.
I think any of the electrolytes, even to include gator aid, if they will drink it. But the pedialite baby hydration would probably be best. Pepto bismol is just bismuth, and I think it's safe in small doses, but can complicate things, if there are signs of dehydration. it's a scary one, due to the unknown. Good Luck.
Keep us posted. Dang dogs will eat anything that stinks. Had one come in with a horse hoof once. :(

A buddy of mine has a cattle farm, and owns about 20 horses as well. His fiance and some of her family show them. The dogs get the trimmed hooves, and have never had an issue that I know of. Maybe that's a good thing!

I think any of the electrolytes, even to include gator aid, if they will drink it. But the pedialite baby hydration would probably be best.

Besides my dog's current illness, does anyone use an electrolyte supplement during hunting season? It just actually crossed my mind by reading these posts.

Thanks for all the replies gentlemen. That's why I love UPH. Always friendly folks willing to help. Says a lot about our sport, and the character of fellow hunters. I know Pete and I have had disagreements before, and he's still willing to help. :thumbsup:
I think any of the electrolytes, even to include gator aid, if they will drink it. But the pedialite baby hydration would probably be best. Pepto bismol is just bismuth, and I think it's safe in small doses, but can complicate things, if there are signs of dehydration. it's a scary one, due to the unknown. Good Luck.

If you give your dog gatorade, make sure the it isn't G2. The newer type of gatorade has artificial sweeteners in it which can be harmful to dogs.
The horse hoof still had a shoe on it and bone. It was from a dead horse.LOL
But your right, we can disagree but still like each other, this is a great forum.:10sign::thumbsup::cheers::)
If you give your dog gatorade, make sure the it isn't G2. The newer type of gatorade has artificial sweeteners in it which can be harmful to dogs.

Yeah I'm pretty sure there are studies that indicate artificial sweeteners are bad for humans as well, but there's probably a study somewhere that says being left-handed is harmful... :D

The horse hoof still had a shoe on it and bone. It was from a dead horse.LOL
But your right, we can disagree but still like each other, this is a great forum.:10sign::thumbsup::cheers::)

The shoe would probably be hard to digest. :eek: And you're absolutely right. It is a discussion forum afterall. If we agreed on everything, I'd be worried!
People sure do come forward with good advise. I don't have anything to add though..
Let us know what the Vet recommends.
Hope all is well.
Yes! I have had it recommended by Vets. The powder from Ft Dodge has a chart on it for dogs. I have found they will drink it, it's a little sweet.
So, $70 later the vet found elevated levels of bacteria in Dakota's poo, and said it was likely the result of her eating something dead or decaying. I was given an antibiotic to administer, and was told to keep her on the beef and rice diet for a few days, and to bring her back in if things don't improve in 48-72 hours.

Thanks for all the replies and advice guys! :)