Well I've read a lot of cockeyed things on blogs, but a hunter who wants to end CRP? That's a first. It is about supporting the commodity price of crops, it's also about clean water, preserving the soil quality, not to mention just plain quality of life. As an aside we get some at least marginal nesting, brood cover, winter habitat for gamebirds. There isn't enough public land to provide for a quality sporting opportunity for more than a handful of hunters, unless you want some kind of lottery system like the "poor line" duck hunters, where you draw for a blind at 4AM, winners hunt losers try tommorrow. Of course we solve all these problems with your idea, hunters will quit, or retire in excellerated fashion, already in my state we had 250,000 quail hunters 30 years ago, today barely one tenth, and we are a grizzzled bunch, we have lost our quail hunters even faster than our quail! If you want to end sport hunting, sounds like a good start. We tried the free enterprise system of farming with Earl Butts, as ag secretary, remember " farm fence row to fencerow", we'll sell it to the world. That was nearly the doom of both farmers, and in some states the end of bird hunting. Problem with your naive idea of free enterprise is, it doesn't exist, not anywhere really, but particularily agriculture. The rest of the world subsidizes inefficient domestic ag practices, there is no level playing field, people will not "choose to create wildlife habitat, if it's a choice between habitat and bankruptcy. It's hard to do the right thing, when your hungry. You might want to consider the broader implications of the hatchet approach before contemplating where all the dominos will fall.