Cootie, I would like to see you make the numbers work on that "investment"
This is a great thread. Many good points and points of view here.
Here's what I think:
- Can CRP be better utilized? Heck yeah! In the last signup and the 2011 there is new practices to address the pollinator issue. Great stuff! Propoerly deployed I feel that cRP can be the solution to nost watershed issues and also the solution to the Dead Zone in the Gulf.
- Can you get rich putting CRP in? Doubt it. You have to own land for year before you can enroll it in CRP anyways.
- Somebody made a comment about easements. They are out there but many landowners aren't willing to "sell" those rights contained in the easement to the government. Some are though. I am in process of signing a no drain/no fill easement (permanent) with USFW. Great program I feel.
-Lastly, as long as landowners can lay drain tile and shuttle the water ,they should be keeping on their own land, over to their neighbors we are in seriously deep weeds. there's going to be a lot of water in peoples basements this spring due to water management issues related to draining soils so a crop can be grown.