Season Length


New member
Out of curiosity, how do other state's season dates stack up to Colorado's November 14th to January 31st? I'm headed out tomorrow for some weekday action :)
Out of curiosity, how do other state's season dates stack up to Colorado's November 14th to January 31st?

I think you season in Colorado is very comparable to other states in terms of length.

South Dakota: 10/17/09 - 1/3/10
North Dakota: 10/10/09 - 1/3/10
Minnesota: 10/10/09 - 1/3/10
As much as it pains me having to wait that extra month I'd be curious to know if gains in survival rates occur due to the comparitively delayed start. Basically, does that extra month of growth allow birds to reach a fuller level of maturity that might help them surive the winter (and my A-5)?

One thing is for sure, by the time January rolls around our Colorado birds are seriously wily. Last week I went out on New Year's eve and saw at least 30 birds but only managed to get one and it took a full tactical assualt to bag him. I felt like I had limited out! I truly love Colorado pheasant hunting for that reason, no easy pickings here!
Right you are winchester - that's the part about "hunting" I like the best - the CHALLENGE of trying to outwit the wily critters on their own turf like a good game of chess! You make a move - the critters make their move - both sides regroup - the next move - & sooner or later the hunter will not be the only one to make a mistake! :D

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose - but there is no such thing as a bad day hunting & every trip afield is a learning/building experience for the next time out if you let it be!

I would rather have to work hard & learn how to take one rooster, duck or buck all on my own than have a whole boatload or a B&C "trophy" easily-handed to me for any amount of $$$ and my butt wiped afterward!...Who needs dozens of birds on every flush or hundreds of birds in every field - with a three-bird limit, it only take one or two here & there for the making of a real nice day - I would rather spread it out & make it last all day long anyway, than 30 minutes or an hour and done! ;)

BTW, wild-running, out-of-range flushing & blowing out the sides-and-ends while we helplessly watch - or not - I am so glad the season in CO is extended to Jan 31st!!! :cheers: