Rising Costs

ill be shooting roosters when you guys are busy shooting the zombies in the apocalypse, so pretty much gonna hunt till the end, LOL:)
The other factor that goes hand in hand with cost is the bird population. If it’s a good year for pheasant more hunters will pay the price.

If preseason agency reports/landowner reports are showing few birds or opening day reports are bad, fewer will be willing to pay the higher costs.

Of course no Game & Fish department would ever gild the lily would they?
The other factor that goes hand in hand with cost is the bird population. If it’s a good year for pheasant more hunters will pay the price.

If preseason agency reports/landowner reports are showing few birds or opening day reports are bad, fewer will be willing to pay the higher costs.

Of course no Game & Fish department would ever gild the lily would they?
They should just CANCEL those preseason reports, then nobody would cancel based on negative reports! Hey, suggest that to the SD governor! 🤪
if the USA does not drill for more energy here at home, we will have long lasting inflation and higher prices for everything going forward.
get ready for a host of new problems, the least of which will be habitat and bird hunting.
Upland game hunting will be the last thing to go for me. I'm retired so my income is pretty much "fixed" so I'll have to cut back somewhere else. I'm old enough to realize the end is nearer than the beginning. I enjoy it too much and will hunt until I physically can't.
Amen Brother
From the news quotes I have seen this administration is viewing the high cost of carbon based fuels as part of the painful transit to the holy grail of green energy. They have specifically rejected increasing US production of fossil fuels.

As for grain prices, taking Ukraine out of the grain markets is likely to move prices up. Who knows how long it will last.

It may well promote fencerow to fencerow and marginal land as well.

Soft red winter wheat for May delivery W00 WK22 on the Chicago Board of Trade jumped by its expanded, 75-cent daily limit again on Friday, a gain of 6.6%, to lock at $12.09 a bushel, its highest since 2008. That leaves wheat up 40.6% on the week, the strongest weekly rise since at least July 1959, based on available FactSet data.

Corn futures C00 have jumped 18% this week and soybean futures have been dragged up by more than 5%”
i think the real issue, for me, is this: choices
as a NR do i take my chances and drive 12-14 hours, pay for gas, lodging/license and hope the bird population allows me a legitimate shot at shooting 3 birds per day, for even just 3-4 days or:

make a day trip and shoot 8-10 preserve birds, drive 2-3 hours, no lodging, no license, no habitat fee, home by dark, young dog gets guaranteed work, all for a fraction of the wild bird hunt. bird contact for the dog is most important, cost is right up there too.

guess i will watch the forum all summer for conditions and recruitment. there has got to be some value to the cost of the hunt not just to the hotel,
Quick Trip and SDGF. Just my perspective
Talked with a friend of mine about crop prices and acreage last night. He said he's not increasing acreage, just the usual. Told me something I did not know. He said corn takes about 3X the fertilizer that wheat takes. Given the jump in fertilizer prices, he decided months ago that he was going to reduce his corn acreage and increase the wheat acreage. He's feeling like that was a really good move right now.

In states where a variety of crops can be grown hunters may see more wheat stubble this fall. In other states like Illinois and Iowa he expects corn to still predominate.

I found the discussion very interesting.
i think the real issue, for me, is this: choices
as a NR do i take my chances and drive 12-14 hours, pay for gas, lodging/license and hope the bird population allows me a legitimate shot at shooting 3 birds per day, for even just 3-4 days or:

make a day trip and shoot 8-10 preserve birds, drive 2-3 hours, no lodging, no license, no habitat fee, home by dark, young dog gets guaranteed work, all for a fraction of the wild bird hunt. bird contact for the dog is most important, cost is right up there too.

guess i will watch the forum all summer for conditions and recruitment. there has got to be some value to the cost of the hunt not just to the hotel,
Quick Trip and SDGF. Just my perspective
I make the trip to make the trip. My hope is that I get a few birds, but the fun is traveling, seeing new country, and enjoying time with dogs. I like eating out and going new places. I love seeing bald eagles up in Northern Iowa and there is a terrific mexican place I like to eat at. I feel great after walking 10-15 miles a day. Coming back to the hotel, feeding the dogs, and relaxing. It all takes my mind off of school and everything else. My plan is to hunt both Iowa and North Dakota this fall. I don't drink, I don't smoke, my house and cars are paid for. What else am I going to spend money on? I would get rid of my cell phone, internet, dishnetwork, long before I canceled a hunting trip. I am also thinking of putting up solar panels this spring. Tired of supporting the gov't with utilities. Dig my own water well while I am at it.
I watch the US Farm report every Sunday am; sounds like with the geopolitical events, there aren’t enough acres in this world. An expert suggested that we plant our 22 million acres this year…he didn’t know if it’s even possible, but that will come up again, I bet.
I make the trip to make the trip. My hope is that I get a few birds, but the fun is traveling, seeing new country, and enjoying time with dogs. I like eating out and going new places. I love seeing bald eagles up in Northern Iowa and there is a terrific mexican place I like to eat at. I feel great after walking 10-15 miles a day. Coming back to the hotel, feeding the dogs, and relaxing. It all takes my mind off of school and everything else. My plan is to hunt both Iowa and North Dakota this fall. I don't drink, I don't smoke, my house and cars are paid for. What else am I going to spend money on? I would get rid of my cell phone, internet, dish network, long before I canceled a hunting trip. I am also thinking of putting up solar panels this spring. Tired of supporting the gov't with utilities. Dig my own water well while I am at it.

i like most all the experiences you enjoy too, part of the pleasure.. i just want to get the dog work in, without walking 10 mil3s daily.
hell getting old! LOL
Just got back to Phoenix from field trial in Niland CAlifornikation..on SE. corner of Salton Sea.
Gas in AZ on way over $3.74 on way back $4.29
In CA.4.99
Bugs me to pay that for Russian supplied gas
The USA is going to burn X amount of oil and gas for the foreseeable future. Can someone explain to me why it appears okay for us to burn Russian oil, or mid-eastern oil but we are forbidden from tapping into all the oil and natural gas we are sitting on. If we opened up oil and gas production we could supply ourselves and Europe and not have to rely on foreign sources.
i like most all the experiences you enjoy too, part of the pleasure.. i just want to get the dog work in, without walking 10 mil3s daily.
hell getting old! LOL
I am pushing 60 and I love walking and hunting. Generally I will walk a 1/2 mile section by walking completely around the section. That's 1.5 miles. I will do 4 or 5 in the morning and then try to hit 3 or 4 in the afternoon. That's dog work.