

Some of you may have already figured it out? I,m turning 62 in 012.
already have scaled down BIG TIME.

Planning on staying very active, daily long walks with the dogs and stuff like that.

So I need ideas:thumbsup: Any thoughts appreciated. :)
Congrats on the retirement. In April I will have been retired for 4 years and still lovin' it. Staying busy is no problem in the fall and in the spring I run one of my Britts in the NSTRA field trials. Seems I'm always busy but a guy can get kind of lazy too. :) I haven't played much golf since I retired but plan to do a little more this summer. Need to also do some more fishing. Of course there always seems to be the wife's "honey do" list!! :eek: Good luck.
Just scale back the wants, live with in your means and enjoy the things mother nature provides for us everyday that are pretty much free. That's if you live where there's a beautiful view, quite, stress free environment..

Cut a little fire wood, fish, time with the pups, hunting, cooking, smoking and curing meats and fish. making up time with the other half that was lost raising kids. Try cell phone skipping on the water, pager skeet with a small bore shotgun. change your e-mail address about every 4 weeks, advising no one. let your beard grow, go to town once a month.

That should be a start:cheers:
Just scale back the wants, live with in your means and enjoy the things mother nature provides for us everyday that are pretty much free. That's if you live where there's a beautiful view, quite, stress free environment..

Cut a little fire wood, fish, time with the pups, hunting, cooking, smoking and curing meats and fish. making up time with the other half that was lost raising kids. Try cell phone skipping on the water, pager skeet with a small bore shotgun. change your e-mail address about every 4 weeks, advising no one. let your beard grow, go to town once a month.

That should be a start:cheers:

Is there a quiet little farm down the road for sale? Sounds like heaven,the day after Christmas, with a house full of chaos!
I just turned 62. Fortunately I can still walk the fields all day, but as soon as the evening meal is over after a day afield I want to crawl into bed; turn the light out around 9. Still working full time but it's a desk job so no physical wear and tear.
Yeah! been a while since I've had bare skin on my chin.:) I have the good fortune of living where there is more water then I can fish, but I'm working at it. I have the farm and it is mostly for the wild critters.
I'll put in plenty of Winter feed and cover.
I'll Get the MT Big Game Combo and spend a lot of the Fall out there. I can hunt doves, grouse and huns starting the first of Sept. Waterfowl about the 1st of Oct, then pheasant the second Sat. Deer Elk opens 3rd Sat in Oct and runs for 5 weeks. In between there is always the bird hunting.:thumbsup:
Bout the time all that's over the lakes are frozen in N MN, time for the fish house. I'm building one with the crank up tires so I can hook on and go. insulated heat left on, bunk for napping, food beverage. ahhhhh!
We have great Spring fishing, ice out is mid Apr, then the Dominator comes out.
By the time fishing pedders out it's time for Fall planning.
All the while I love observing the wildlife.

So, How my doing so far?:cheers:
Congrats MNMT:cheers: I got a couple decades before I can retire:( I'd say travel, fish, hunt and go to packer games:) Better keep a couple cows so you got something to remind you of the good old days:D
Yeah! been a while since I've had bare skin on my chin.:) I have the good fortune of living where there is more water then I can fish, but I'm working at it. I have the farm and it is mostly for the wild critters.
I'll put in plenty of Winter feed and cover.
I'll Get the MT Big Game Combo and spend a lot of the Fall out there. I can hunt doves, grouse and huns starting the first of Sept. Waterfowl about the 1st of Oct, then pheasant the second Sat. Deer Elk opens 3rd Sat in Oct and runs for 5 weeks. In between there is always the bird hunting.:thumbsup:
Bout the time all that's over the lakes are frozen in N MN, time for the fish house. I'm building one with the crank up tires so I can hook on and go. insulated heat left on, bunk for napping, food beverage. ahhhhh!
We have great Spring fishing, ice out is mid Apr, then the Dominator comes out.
By the time fishing pedders out it's time for Fall planning.
All the while I love observing the wildlife.

So, How my doing so far?:cheers:

Sounds like a pretty good start to me Wayne. Congrats on the Re-tire. Make sure to keep the spare-tire in check too.:D
I say 2 things you must learn to do quick. All chore/favors other than the wifes Honey-Do's learn to say NO!!!!!! They will run you crazy otherwise. The other if you like playing ball for example DON'T STOP. Once you do you will play hell getting in shape to do the sport again.
Pretty much covered. I am 63, but want to work a couple more to finish the house off. I will then get back to fishing like I used too. Obviously kept up on the pheasant hunting if not increased. That's what keeps me in good health, except knee problems are showing up.
Hope to raise two instead of one litters a year if the economy keeps up with the cost of Pudelpointers. On the other hand I can get farther away from the house if I do not have all those dogs to take care of!
Some people claim they do not know what they would do in retirement. Obviously they do not have the passion we do for the outdoors or there would be no problem re time on their hands. My bucket list doesn't have a bottom in it.
Unless otherwise contra-indicated, take an aspirin a day for the rest of your life.

DON'T let your legs get out of shape. Hunting, dog training, hiking, square dancing, whatever...make it part of your new "work life."

Protect the rest of your body.

Hang on to old friends, the sunnavaguns disappear like Spring snowflakes.

Stop doing stuff you hate. Hire a local pro, and then, leave him alone to do the job.

Be gentle with yourself; but, be FAIR to yourself first of all in all situations.

It'll be just hunky dory.

That's a lot of good advise you guys.

I ain't rich, just worked hard. So glad I'm not rich:eek: If I were I'd be tempted to do silly things like touring Europe, and time wasting stuff like that.:eek:

So I have to settle for the prairies, breaks, woodlands and badlands.:)

We outdoor types do have an advantage over the less active types. I enjoy the hikes and the outdoors to the point I watch my health and keep the body in shape enough to handle the 10 mile hikes. Hopefully for many years.:thumbsup:
How about this badland camp?
20 miles off the maintained dirt road. Walk out of camp for Sage and Sharptail grouse. Dang good Hun hunting too.
Deer and antelope :)

We took grandpa to the Badlands:thumbsup: He gets out of the car and says yup they named it right it's really bad land.:D :coolpics: MNMT are you retiring from being the vikings gm to:):(
Congrats MNMT:cheers: I got a couple decades before I can retire:( I'd say travel, fish, hunt and go to packer games:) Better keep a couple cows so you got something to remind you of the good old days:D

how can you retire you havent started working yet. your always taking a ho ho and pepsi break when i see you. if you get any bigger and have to haul ass to get some where it will you take 2 trips:D
Coot, I'll keep on as GM, we [vikings] don't have any stars so we got a lot of $$$ for the free agent market.
We like the looks of some of those guys across the border.:D