reciever tube dog boxes

Really...the dog doesn't care? The next time it's snowing like crazy and you're headed to the field; open the tailgate and the front door of your truck and see which one he cares about :D.
Really...the dog doesn't care? The next time it's snowing like crazy and you're headed to the field; open the tailgate and the front door of your truck and see which one he cares about :D.

I bet if you did that at 50 degrees and again at 70 degrees you would have the same result. What I am saying , is that driven bird dogs will walk through fire to get to do what they love to do.
BB, There is some truth to what you say. But my dogs have never ridden on seat. They are cage trained as puppies and only ride in their crates. They know no other way to travel. So I would have to say training has a part in how they ride also......Bob
I should clarify; and you are both right. My dogs do ride in a boxes in the back of my truck. I have two 2-dog boxes; one insulated and one that is not so it's not a problem due to weather. I guess I am a little sensitive as to taking care of dogs. I agree they will run through fire and walk on water; but because of that, I am willing to make sure they are comfortable and protected. IMHO, I just feel that the hitch issue is not a compromise for me.
My dogs must be spoiled, they don't ride outside at all. I have a Dodge Durango that is my hunting rigs. I have 2 dogs crates inside by the tailgate and my dogs ride in the same temps I do all the time.........Bob
I agree that the dogs should be very well taken care of. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be as successful . I won't put a dog away wet in cooler to cold weather. Most of us have dogs that are part of the family for sure!:thumbsup:
Well gentlemen the boxes are in production and should be done in about 2 weeks allowing for time since i am using my workplace to build them after hours and I have a man who is going to start building them in logan Ks with just a little word of mouth and no pictures we have already sold 4 that tells me that some of us think they are a great idea even if those dogs are part of the family wich mine are
Gentlemen the box is all but done waiting for latches on the doors and then it will be complete I will b sure to post pics on here even if you don't like the idea you can see how it turned out all safety measures have been taken and thought of maybe they werent gone through sqafely like the wind tunnel test 15 year old son in back of truck watching how the dust moves around it at 70 mph down country road but it passed that test before the lights were added we put it on the front ov a skidloader attachment and hit a tree as hard and fast as we could with it I built four frames before we got this one right but it passes granted it is man made and may eventually fail bubt should stand up fairly well to a collision god forbid the only test left is the carbon monoxide test we will be performing this test with a detector and testing while driving and while at idle to test the levels and anything that isn't safe for humans will not be acceptable stay tuned for the next stage possibly this weekend depending on snail mail
the latches are in and the box is done and as soon as my wife gets home I will post the pics of how it turned out
GC Britt,
I look forward to seeing it, I have a homemade dog trailer I use to go to S.D. but the pups ride in the back of the truck in their kennels until we start hunting. I don't want to take a chance of someone falling asleep or whatever and running into the trailer with my wifes babies in there. When I am hunting I am usually on gravel/dirt roads and of course you don't drive fast there and most people driving them are cautious, well mostly, I saw some farm boys in Iowa once that wanted to see how fast their Chevy pick up go on one. Would have hated it if they hit my trailer. Luckily though the pups were with me anyways.
with this setup you can do that also i built it to come off and fit between the fenderwell in the pickup if you have to but once you are ready to hunt put it on and go its kida a multi use thing if you take the box off you can use the rack for whatever you want to haul
wife is still at work so it will b awhile but will definately be on tonight if I break her camera I will b making another box for me to stay in
Well you have the plans, just make it a little bigger, got to be insulated, gets cold there in Kansas, a nice little apartment size frig, and a place to plug in a coffee pot, or just be a man and use the da=n camera. If it breaks just blame the dogs, Brittanys are good about chewing things up, or at least tell her so :)
Man up big man I would,, I have my crate already built. Has my Army cold weather sleeping bag, and two itchy green GI blankets, I didn't give it a lot of thought though, kinna tight. And smells like dogs.
i already used it to take the pics but i am not smart enough to downlaod onto the computer last time i tried I had pics everywhere they werent supposed to b i think i will wait she will be home soon enough and beside the longer you wait the better it will be to see them
You think so huh, I think I will just go to bed, heck it probably aint nothing to see anyway, :) hell==ck if it weren't for my daughter I couldn't get anything done with these new fangled stuff and she is 300 miles away, so nothing gets done, to be a nice guy like I am I will stay up for awhile.
hell it's early but if you must go to bed and get your buety sleep check back in the morning they will b on then
Beauty sleep, hell I could sleep 24/7 and it wouldn't do me any good. It's 9 pm here, 10 pm there, I bet you wife said the heckwith it, those ole wanna bee s can wait until the morning, heck I( work so you can go chase those ole roosters.
ok the pictures are in but they are in my profile and I cant figure out how to get them on here I will keep trying
Gove I have read 4 pages of posts and still see no pics. Mail me some. US postal service is faster on delivery than me on a computer. Hope to see them before I head out to your country next month. Otherwise you will owe me a beer for having to chase you down.