
I hunt birds. Pheasant, quail, waterfowl and hoping to go turkey this year. A little predator hunting too.
I guess I would say that I really would be classified as a pointing dog guy.
If the dogs can point the birds, I will hunt it.

I do hunt turkey with a bow. But I have never deer hunted, too much work after you shoot something :D, and I don't like sitting still and waiting very long.
Pheasants (plus Quail & Huns when they're in the mix)
Predators for the next couple months
Pigeons & Starlings during the Summer
In addition to pheasants, I hunt turkeys, bear, hogs and deer and sometimes quail. I think I will be getting more into bird hunting in the future.
Pheasants, ducks, geese, turkey, antelope, deer and elk. Really have been concentrating on upland the last cuple years.
I hunt strictly upland birds. Venison is my favorite meat but I hate deer hunting.:(
bird hunting

if i can involve my gsp's in the hunt, that' what i do, i have been know to shoot a turkey or two without them and have shot one over point. getting too old to big game hunt but in the past have done lot's and lot's of it and there ain't much i haven't killed with a gun or a bow. dogs make my day
I am a 99% quail hunter i will hunt any upland but here in NM we have quail blues,gambels and I have bagged two bobs in seven years. The pheasant i hunt is on a gun club and well i would rather get into one covey of quail than hunt released birds that have no cover only mesquite to run through.
Pheasant, ruffies and if I run into huntable quantities of quail- those, too. Not too many around East Tennessee any longer. I have been talked into a dove hunt occasionally.
I have hunted almost everything the mid west has to offer, but focus primarily on birds. My brother and I generally shoot quite a few deer every fall for the meat, but that only takes a week or so to get done. I just get the bigger satisfaction out of watching my dogs work than any other type of hunting.
I do a little bit of all three. My dogs probably wish I had never tried deer hunting, since it cuts into their field time, but I like eating deer.

Side note, I made some goose jerky the other day and WOW!!!:10sign: I think I may get serious about goose hunting next year. But I still haven't found a recipe for duck that is simple but tastes good. I enjoy shooting ducks, but it is so much work to eat them... :laugh:
duck taste

shoot better ducks, coots never did taste very good even though back in the market gunning days, they did sell them, they brought $.05 each. if you can eat goose, ducks should be a piece of cake
Although I am a partner in a small, but good duck club near the Salton Sea - my preference is upland hunting, with a very strong feeling about hunting wild roosters over all others. Can't help it.
Don't knock the coots. Like most game, it is a matter of how you prepare them. For many years we have hosted a potluck wild game dinner known as the Christmas Pheastival. Everything from elk to cottontails and turkey to jacksnipe were on the table bu the runaway favorite was always the tacootos - tacos that featured coot meat. The recipe for tacootos as well as another for Sicilian coot are listed in one of the posts on my blog: