Poached Deer


I would respectfully suggest that this man is not a sportsman in any sense of the word. He is a poacher and a criminal. A sportsman respects the game he is pursuing and conducts himself in accordance to a high standard of ethical behavior. This poacher exploited the resource for pure personal gain.

You are correct it is sickening.

I would respectfully suggest that this man is not a sportsman in any sense of the word. He is a poacher and a criminal. A sportsman respects the game he is pursuing and conducts himself in accordance to a high standard of ethical behavior. This poacher exploited the resource for pure personal gain.

You are correct it is sickening.

Well said sir, well said.
I'm not so dc.This guy deserves to be lashed,and anybody that speaks up for him deserves the same.
I do not deer hunt,but my boys do,and a lot of my friends do.This guy,has diminished the chances for my family and friends from taking a once in a life time trophy.
He doesn't deserve any breaks,or a lesser penality of any kind.
I hope he is never allowed to hunt again.
He got three years in prision and three years probation. Not near enough time imho. Lifetime ban should be the correct punishment.
Hope the story unfolds a little more, I would be curious to find out how they caught up to these criminals!!!! Hope he has to pay his own way while in the clink!!!
It's refreshing to read the personal animosity expressed here toward this dispicable behavior. I happened to read a waterfowl blog on Jeff Foiles and the Federal Waterfowl violations winding their way the system. There must have been 100 comments split about 50/50 between pro and con. At least half vigorously defending the agregious behavoir. If even half of what the government alleges is true, it's outrageous, just as this case is. Nice to see we upland hunters haven't lost our moral compass. I hope they body slam all the customers as well.
Exactly! His clients are going to go down also. Lifetime ban should be part of his punishment along with a huge fine, not $50K. He is getting off pretty soft in my opinion.
Yeah, if you look at how much he was charging people to participate in an illegal activity, I am surprised the fine was so low. I would think the fine should have been much bigger to eat up all the money he made. Of course, he was only convicted of 25 counts, so maybe that's why it was only 50K.

Hopefully they will get a lot of the clients too. The lack of ethics and fair chase hacks me off. If you have any respect at all for the animals you are pursuing, then why would you poach them... Stupid...
This incident is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more doing the same that deserve to be brought to justice. The Jeff Foiles incident is even more disgusting because there are so many people who are passing off what he did as 'honest mistakes'. Continually pursuing ANY game outside of the law while seeking profit should have a minimum punishment of a lifetime hunting ban AND large fines. Forget jail time, that just costs US money.
A friend stopped by on his way through the other day. Mentioned that KDWP showed up at his house one morning bright and early. They questioned him about some turkey hunting pics he had posted on flicker. Then they started asking him some questions about his friend that had some large deer pics posted as well. The longer they stayed the more questions they asked about his friends and their hunting and his involvement. Turns out, at the same time they were at his house, they were at his two buddies house. The one had pictures on flicker of several deer he had shot, but some dates didn't quite add up. I guess KDWP had friended him on flicker, and he spilled the beans on some less than legal things he had done. They confiscated all his mounts, and have yet to get back to him on what is going to happen. My friend said his buddy is just kind of laying low right now, not being very noticeable. I think he sees the writing on the wall.
when i was younger 20 years ago people i knew did kill deer to eat and i just kind of turned my head really didnt say anything because they really were poor and nedded it but in this case is prettty pitiful kansas next to iowa is the best place in america for record book whitetails and this clown just comes in and ruins it for everyone SAD
It's the support by seemingly average sportsmen that astounds me!!! Same with Foiles, heck Foiles was shooting park geese in municipal parks with pellet guns in the dark, to get their bands! Just like this yokel, with night vision scopes and deer. If a man has no honor in sport or recreation, how can he be trusted with something that really matters? Is it a stretch to think these guys would cheat for financial gain, ( oops I guess they already did that!), or steal outright from you? Why the adoration and frankly embarassing outpouring of support by a large percentage?, I just don't get it. These guys steal our game, our reputations, cheapen our hard earned trophies, in a sport we all care about deeply. Who could have any use for them at all. Anyone what to volunteer to share a foxhole with any of these jokers?