it seems DU has tried to work with the farming industry for year. It always has boiled down to the farmers either get paid for something, even for doing nothing. Just leaving low wet land stand. Now that they(DU) are attempting a end around to make farmers do the right thing. Now all of a son they have farmers attention.
See I have always said. People want the government out of their life. They think they are the best to control themselves. The government does stay out of things. Until people screw it up so bad. The government has to step in and MAKE them do what they should have done all on their own. Then those now being forced to do what they could of and should have done loose their minds and start screaming things like "Socialist" "Communist" government.
It's kind of like the father who asked his kid to do something 6-8 times. He may have tried several attempts with even a little reward for getting the chore done but the kid still didn't do it. Finally when the father has had it, he's had enough. Now the kids going to do it..PLUS a whole bunch of other stuff. Now the kid is ticked off. Same goes for the farmer who was asked to manage his land in a proper manner. You can only ask so many times. Now he will be forced and he, like the kid is ticked off.
In my case I am the guy that still has native grass, I did not break it up. The last time they tried the sod saver it did not work. Now they are trying a new version. They can't make me not break up the sod, they can make me take more of the risk. That tells me I should have broken it up a long time ago. Now my concern is when are they going to declare it an endagered species and not let me do anything with it. I am being punished for doing what they want me to do. That seems stupid to me. If they get this new version through that will be the straw that broke the camels back, and there will be less quarters of sod because of the do gooders that don't know or care what they are doing. I will probably plant it back to grass after I get rid of the native sod designation, but I think that they being stupid again. There just seems to be a need of some to have control over others. I am sure that there is a name for that disease. I hope the wedding goes well.