Outdoor Channel

I think that big game hunting is more popular by a long shot. And I would guess that filming an upland hunt and making it look decent is pretty tough.

Personally, glad they don't.
The majority of the ones I have seen have the hosts annoyingly chattering like a house wren behind the dog, especially when pimping products.
Again, $$$$.
Blessings counted.

I could stand a good dose of Bing Crosby and Phil Harris on the old AS tho.

I would also like to see less of the selfish, leasing, nest predator feeding deer hunter shows but, I expect, that is not to be.
I have the same feeling about magazines. When I was a kid, we subscribed to F/S magazine. I always looked forward to the fall articles of pheasant and quail hunting. I let my subscription lapse in the mid 90's. Last year my youngest was selling magazine subscriptions for school. My wife thought I would like an F/S subscription. Let me say I have been thoroughly disappointed. There was one little tired article of upland this fall and that was it. Everything is deer hunting now. All the covers are deer with huge racks. I guess that is what sells magazines, but I for one will not be renewing. It is all geared towards what sells product. I deer hunt a little, but i would skip a dozen days of deer hunting for one good day finding birds in the field. But I think we are in the minority.
I have the same feeling about magazines. When I was a kid, we subscribed to F/S magazine. I always looked forward to the fall articles of pheasant and quail hunting. I let my subscription lapse in the mid 90's. Last year my youngest was selling magazine subscriptions for school. My wife thought I would like an F/S subscription. Let me say I have been thoroughly disappointed. There was one little tired article of upland this fall and that was it. Everything is deer hunting now. All the covers are deer with huge racks. I guess that is what sells magazines, but I for one will not be renewing. It is all geared towards what sells product. I deer hunt a little, but i would skip a dozen days of deer hunting for one good day finding birds in the field. But I think we are in the minority.

Same here, but I feel like now all the duck shows our on, everyone and thing is about waterfowl. Upland birds for me forever.
I (mostly . . . receive Pheasants Forever & American Rifleman because they come with the subscription) & avoid magazines & TV. I prefer to make & store my own memories in my mind or on my computer/back-ups. Montana Outdoors is the ONLY magazine worth the $$ (very reasonable) & for which I both wait & peruse, cover-to-cover. The annual photo issue alone is worth the price of admission. I'd assume that some of you fellow members' states have similar offerings.

Addendum: When I did watch deer/elk hunting shows, I never did figure-out how guys sitting in a "house," with scope-sighted-rifles on a solid rest had to track game that they shot ("Nice shot, <insert name of famous person here>!") . . .

I assumed: A) Lousy shots, B) Under-gunned, C) A director who "had no clue" (this from an old Montana bastrich over 64-years of age with 39 elk, countless deer/a multitude of bears/a few of mountain lions/ 'several" bobcats, 12 mountain goats, a plethora of antelope & 100's of coyote, 10 moose, and a variety of smaller critters over-the-years to his credit & the numbers of the very few I had to track are miniscule . . . this suggests "some" credibilty. Mind you, some of the big-game harvested was via the longbow & required sound tracking abilities but the majority were harvested by means of a centerfire rifle. I just can't comprehend the same scenario when one was using a scope-sighted centerfire <or black powder, rifle>. "Aim small, miss small."). One can always id the bad hits when they only show the rack, by the way . . .
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why don't they have more upland shows on the outdoor channel?

They used to have more upland hunting theme shows. But it seems that in the last few years the cost of producing such shows has increased sharply. Now days it seems that unless your sponsor is Beretta, Benelli or one of the ammo companies it's much too expensive to produce.