Outdoor Bums


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I have dealt with a person for near 10 years now, who I have invited to fishing, camping and hunting outings. This person has "Never" invited my wife or me back. This person has a very nice place he owns with land, yet never a invite back in 10 years. I'm a person who can and will eat any type of fish, this person is Walleye's only person(other fish are for the low class folks). One trip. this person on their own, decided to eat my Walleye's I caught for his dinner, leave me "None" and take the Walleye's he caught home. I know, nice ha? this person makes 50 times what I make. Any of you have a penny pincher who can afford far more, yet chooses to just let others do for them?

How about the old hide the bottle trick? I had a relative who use to come up deer hunting every year. He had no problem mixing a cocktail from what others brought after the days hunt but he kept his bottle in the truck. He wouldn't offer unless someone caught him dipping into it. Then he would go into explaining why, how you know so and so. they would drink my whole bottle in no time..Blah, Blah, Blah.

It's kind of like the smoker who the only thing they had was the habit, because they never had the smokes. Can I bum a smoke was said more times then one could count.

Funny thing is, after years of letting these types come hunt and fish. When you finally get it through to them. This isn't going to fly any longer. They proceed to do their best to paint you as a no good SOB.

Do any of you deal with a outdoor Bum? if so how long did you let this type of thing go on? I admit I'm way too nice. I have friends that have been on the outside looking in on some of these deals and they tell me. You have to stop this..TELL THEM NO. I have trouble with that word "no" It seems easier to try and avoid the inevitable bad feelings that are sure to come.
I would not eat your walleye. :)

I used to work with some "smoke bums" many would just take them straight outta a guys pack without asking. If you caught them they would say, "oh, soandso always let's me borrow one"

LMAO. I thought I was the only idiot around. I dealt with the same stuff for years. Kicked them all to the curb. Most recent were a couple a ah@(es that were all about themselves training. Here when they needed you. But ran off on you at the drop of a hat when you need them. Bitch about Everything! field the birds bla bla bla. Back stab ya, trespass on private training grounds when you were not there, ruin your training session deliberately. Laugh and giggle about it whispering among them selves. Trash your other friends who train constantly behind there backs. Even had ones 5 year old kid the first day he trained say "when my daddy learns everything from you he wont need you no more" LOL. What a snake. Where did the kid get that. Needless to say I gave them the boot after lying to us all one last time. They make it no fun. So they are not welcome here any more. And yes of coarse there color shows right away when they spew out there garbage and lies to the rest of the trial and training groups. One thing about a snake though. they keep poking their heads out of the hole so many times that lawn mowers eventually cut them off.

If it aint fun no more I don't do it. Surround your self with fun positive people, and kick the jerks off the fun bus right away from here on out for me...:thumbsup:


I have dealt with a person for near 10 years now, who I have invited to fishing, camping and hunting outings. This person has "Never" invited my wife or me back. This person has a very nice place he owns with land, yet never a invite back in 10 years. I'm a person who can and will eat any type of fish, this person is Walleye's only person(other fish are for the low class folks). One trip. this person on their own, decided to eat my Walleye's I caught for his dinner, leave me "None" and take the Walleye's he caught home. I know, nice ha? this person makes 50 times what I make. Any of you have a penny pincher who can afford far more, yet chooses to just let others do for them?

How about the old hide the bottle trick? I had a relative who use to come up deer hunting every year. He had no problem mixing a cocktail from what others brought after the days hunt but he kept his bottle in the truck. He

wouldn't offer unless someone caught him dipping into it. Then he would go into explaining why, how you know so and so. they would drink my whole bottle in no time..Blah, Blah, Blah.

It's kind of like the smoker who the only thing they had was the habit, because they never had the smokes. Can I bum a smoke was said more times then one could count.

Funny thing is, after years of letting these types come hunt and fish. When you finally get it through to them. This isn't going to fly any longer. They proceed to do their best to paint you as a no good SOB.

Do any of you deal with a outdoor Bum? if so how long did you let this type of thing go on? I admit I'm way too nice. I have friends that have been on the outside looking in on some of these deals and they tell me. You have to stop this..TELL THEM NO. I have trouble with that word "no" It seems easier to try and avoid the inevitable bad feelings that are sure to come.

If it had been me he would have been gone about 9 1/2 years ago---the old tired saying of-- screw me once your fault--screw me twice my fault--applies here JMO
These days I try to pay it forward because i remember when I was totally at the mercy of an invite from a kind soul. No boat, no hunting dog, no access to private land, and no way to really reciprocate a trip-for-a-trip. Now I invite people to hunt and fish with me because I want them there, not because I expect anything from them.

And I am NOT holier than thou. It's just that I know of a few people who could say they knew me back when and they would be fair in calling me a bum. :eek: Truthfully, I didn't even realize or fully appreciate what they were doing for me at the time. But in some way I can thank them now by giving to others the same way they did for me.

By the sound of your stories, that may not relate to your situation, so please don't interpret this post as being directed at the previous posters.
I've had a few guys in the past like that. They all love to duck hunt, eat and sleep duck hunt. But, do you think they would ever try to learn how to call, buy a call, buy any decoys, by any waders (always had to take my boat due to that), do any scouting at all? Nope. Notta, nothing, zip.

I kicked them to the curb. I thought to myself that their are guys out there that get paid dang good money to be doing what I am doing. And that was being a GUIDE! Supplying everything for them.

No time in my life now to be a mentor to grown men. I do my own thing pretty much nowadays. I'll give some advice or maybe take someone once in a blue.
I have a dog who hogs me for my lunch,makes a mess of my truck, spills my beer and won't listen.He never apologizes nor reciprocates.
It's one thing to socialize with "bums"
But NEVER on a hunting trip. :)
You guys just pick the wrong bums...trust me, I'll eat your walleye; however, I consider myself a better than average cook, so at least I'll work for it...:p.
I decided long ago life is too short to hunt with wingnuts. The guys I don't hunt with:

The party shooter. Thanks, I'll shoot my own birds.

The guy worth over a million who thought since he was rich the game laws didn't apply to him. He'd shoot a limit, go back to the house and throw them in the freezer and go out for another limit. F&G finally caught up with him.

The guy who shoots his limit then tries to give it to me. "I don't like the taste of wild birds." - then a) Don't shoot them and b) learn to cook.

The guy who shows up so hung over I'm scared to be in the field with him.

The guy who never kicks in for gas money. Once okay; I've been short myself but I made good on it the next time out. If it happens twice...I'm busy, don't call.

Body count hunters or guys who turn it into a competition. It's only a good time if they're shooting birds and they need to have more than you. If they don't have a limit by noon "this place sucks" and they want to hit the bar.

That said, the majority of guys I've hunted with have been gentlemen, generous to a fault and better-mannered than my dog frequently deserved.
Yep, we just cut loose a guy who did hunt with us until this year. He was a loud mouth know it all type that would only let his dog hunt for him and not help find downed birds for other w/o dogs. Very abrasive guy who pissed us off one too many time!
The fact that just stymies me is, the guy is loaded but so cheap it's not even real. Always bitching and complaining about how much something cost. You just want to slap him, he will gladly let the poor saps do all the inviting. I don't know of anybody who has been taken hunting or fishing by him. He's always tagging along with others. Then wines like a sniveling girl about the cost
Hunting and fishing are not social events for me. I enjoy meeting other hunters back at the motel or at the restaurant and listening to them recount the days events but I am a listener not a talker.

The exceptions have been taking my nephews and step daughters hunting and my wife's cousin and his son but I really prefer to hunt by myself. I have a couple of friends who call themselves "big game hunters" (which is a code for "too lazy to walk so I don't bird hunt"). These two are welcome to come with me anytime because they are the right kind of guys but I worked with both of them and knew them well for years before I felt comfortable inviting them. My hunting trips are for the dogs, they spend a long hot summer in the backyard and when it's cool enough to hunt I want them to have the best opportunity I can give them.
sounds like you just gota let that one go. it may be tough to say no, but in the long run itll be worth it.

stupid ppl ruin alot of things for people that are just getting started, like me. alota people will turn away new guys just because of all the crap others did.

Everyone that Ive hunted with or private land that ive hunted, i try to always be thankful even if i didnt get anything. im not a talkative person but even if an old farmer says no to hunting, its still nice to sit and talk with him about other stuff for a bit.

ranchodeluxe said:
I have a dog who hogs me for my lunch,makes a mess of my truck, spills my beer and won't listen.He never apologizes nor reciprocates.

lol but i bet its all good when he chaces up that pheasant! :p
i always remember the saying if something happens 1 time shame on the other person but if it happens 2 times shame on me!!!

if you know the guy is a loser no need to even deal with the guy hes known for being a a hole & i cant imagine wanting to even hang out with the guy i mean he stole your walleye how low can you get lol
Your guy sounds like a dirtbag.
I've taking people fishing with me who did not have a boat. Same with hunting.
They usually appreciate it. The guy you mentioned sounds like loser. i'd tell him to beat it!
The fact that just stymies me is, the guy is loaded but so cheap it's not even real. Always bitching and complaining about how much something cost. You just want to slap him, he will gladly let the poor saps do all the inviting. I don't know of anybody who has been taken hunting or fishing by him. He's always tagging along with others. Then wines like a sniveling girl about the cost

I hear ya here OP. There is a book out there called "The Mind Of A Millionaire" although I have only read parts of it, this guy sounds like it. Remember this though, how do you think he got that rich? By not sharing or giving.

But on the same note, I am a member to a private lake. I have a buddy I take a bunch with me, he never puts out an invite for Elk hunting, he is to worried that I will know his spot. I also never get an invite when his boat is on the public lake. Spoiled brats. But...I dont care. I still get Elk and can catch my own fish. MF'er needs to get me on his boat!!
I guess I've never had anybody who mooched me to the point I couldn't stand it.

But without a doubt, the personality type that enrages me to no end is the last-minute canceller. I'll give you about one free pass on that, but if it's a habit you will not be making any more plans with me. I guess it's just another type of inconsiderate behavior, but it's one I've got absolutely no patience for.
I guess I've never had anybody who mooched me to the point I couldn't stand it.

But without a doubt, the personality type that enrages me to no end is the last-minute canceller. I'll give you about one free pass on that, but if it's a habit you will not be making any more plans with me. I guess it's just another type of inconsiderate behavior, but it's one I've got absolutely no patience for.

Iv'e gotten to the point where I just mention that I am going hunting and where,if anyone shows,that's cool.If not I have a dog that's always on-time.