Outdoor Bums

Iv'e gotten to the point where I just mention that I am going hunting and where,if anyone shows,that's cool.If not I have a dog that's always on-time.
The reality of it is your dog is always two steps ahead of you
Good point,and the day he isn't is a sad day,indeed.
Iv'e gotten to the point where I just mention that I am going hunting and where,if anyone shows,that's cool.If not I have a dog that's always on-time.

I used that strategy on a former long-time friend for years. But eventually it irked me to the point I told him I was not interested in putting any more energy and time into that friendship. For years he would invite himself fishing and hunting with me, not show up, and then call again a couple weeks later to invite himself again. He did other awesome stuff too.:rolleyes: like showing up for waterfowl hunts after the decoys were set and leaving before we picked up. He also made sure he blocked 100% of the time, even when we had aged hunters who needed a break. He actually told us one time he thought we were dumb for walking with the dogs instead of blocking like he always did.

Now that I think about it, that guy didn't have too many redeeming qualities as a fishing or hunting buddy. I don't miss him, and I don't miss the feeling of sitting at boat ramp, knowing he wouldn't show. Or sheepishly apologizing for his douchy behavior to people I respect.
The fact that just stymies me is, the guy is loaded but so cheap it's not even real. Always bitching and complaining about how much something cost. You just want to slap him, he will gladly let the poor saps do all the inviting. I don't know of anybody who has been taken hunting or fishing by him. He's always tagging along with others. Then wines like a sniveling girl about the cost


I get this crap alot, from people that think they are loaded. They Have a little worth, and think they are rich. The truely wealthy people that I work for and hunt with, are not cheap skates. It's the "I have a little money( worth more than you) Guys" that will try and take you for a sucker. I kick these guys to the curb and put them in there place.

If someone I fished or hunted with, helped them selves to my Harvest, even one time I'd be done with them. If that's there character then I don't what the around me.

The really loaded Guys I know want to pay for everthing. They won't let me buy Gas, I'm they Guest and they won't take " No let me get this" for an answer, which get's just as annoying as the outdoor bums.
Nope...you have the bait but this fish isn't biting. Nice try.
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I have to point out the irony here of complaining about a freeloader when also being a huge advocate of free public acess to private land for hunting and wanting the benefits of someone elses habitat work. Reap what you sow.
I have to point out the irony here of complaining about a freeloader when also being a huge advocate of free public acess to private land for hunting and wanting the benefits of someone elses habitat work. Reap what you sow.

Works in North Dakota
I had to go and read this thread, now am worked up again. I've got a "buddy", we met in college. 28+ years ago he was my best man. Over the years we've lost touch a couple times, but 10 years ago he moved here after a divorce. We no longer hunt together and some of the reason cited earlier in this thread were contributing factors. today we're golf partners and I had hopes he might quit the club and allow me to have some peace on league nights.

The only time we do something together, including things like dinner with our wives, etc., is when I call. I took him hunting, fishing, golfing, you name it, always a promise of "we'll have to have you over", or whatever, without any real reciprocation. He just stood us up last night again, having something more important to do than follow through with plans to get together. Well I'm done with that.

My wife's brother in law is another type. Years ago I invited him along on a weekend walleye fishing trip. He showed up without any food or drink to share, then proceeded to eat and drink us out of house and home. A couple times of that and I quit extending the invitation. After a couple years he called to invite himself along and I told him no. Some years later and another of the family commented that he's turned over a new leaf, so I asked him to come ice fishing. He brought me some beer as a gift for having him stay with us, but ended up drinking it after he consumed all of his own, getting falling down drunk by 5:00 pm. I'm done with that, too.

There. Now I've ranted and feel better. Thanks for listening.