I know some trainers (like the perfection kennels people) go to SD every summer and get dogs on wild birds out of season.
Here's what the SD regs say:
Dog Training
No person may kill or capture any wild game birds
while training or running a dog except during open
seasons. Using pen-raised birds to train dogs is
permitted with certain restrictions:
•No person may train dogs on wild game birds
from Apr. 15-July 31 statewide
From Aug. 1 through the Friday preceding the third
Saturday in September, a person may train a dog
for the purpose of locating, pursuing or pointing
wild game birds on publicly-owned land or on public
road rights of way with the following restrictions:
•No more than four dogs may be trained in any
one day. In addition, a person may not use or
carry a shotgun or rifle during training
•The dog(s) must be owned by the person
conducting the training and not offered for sale
•The owner of the dog may be assisted in the
training if the owner is present
•No motor vehicle, horse or any other conveyance
may be used
•However, a person who otherwise qualifies to
train dogs on public lands may use a horse for
dog training on public lands until Noon central
time on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from
the first Friday of August to the first Sunday of
September, inclusive, with authorization of the
government agency that manages the public
•For complete rules write to Game, Fish and
Parks Permits; 20641 SD Hwy 1806; Fort Pierre,
SD 57532
•In addition to state rules, federal rules prohibit
dog training year-round on federal refuges and
Waterfowl Production Areas
Dog Requirements
Dogs being brought into South Dakota are