Numbers of states

How many States have you successfully hunted. I've only hunted in IA so one state for me.:( I did kill a cat with the car on the way to Canada fishing, but I won't count that.
Let's see, Home state, Colorado. Then Arizona for Gambels, Wyo for pheasants and deer,South Dakota for what else, Nebraska for pheasant, quail, and deer, Kansas for pheasant, quail, and deer. Would love to go up to Montana for Huns in the future and maybe North Dakota. Oh , I would love to hunt Pronghorn in New Mexico. Been to Alaska twice, the first time for 3 months commercial fishing with my buddy. Beach net sites in Bristol bay towards Naknek. The second time on my honeymoon..:cheers:
hey coot that cat still makes me laugh:p he wasted all 9 lives dodging cars on the interstate then you came along. he stood his ground ached his back and stared down a ford thunderbird. the coot hits it at 70+ mph cat sails thru the air and lands on the windshield of the car behind us.:eek: WOW! that cat went with style. :eek:
geese in manitoba. bears in manitoba. caribou in Quebec. lots of stuff in iowa usually when your not around:p do praire dogs count? hunted elk and mule deer in montana. we drove all night. 2 miles from ranch at 1:30 in the morning a forkhorn mulely runs out in front of us. then it locks up in the road and gives us the deer in the headlights look. buddy was driving my truck. he hits the brakes and the truck almost stops in time. he hits deer and knocks it over like a lawn ornament. trucks slids a couple feet more and stops. i get out of truck and all hell breaks loose deer is grunting and flailing hooves. dirt is flying. its stuck under bumper. i tell buddy to back up slowly. he does and deer jumps up and stares at me shakes off the dirt and runs away with only a slight limp. see we are conservationist we only practice hit and release.:D:D:D if i had know how the rest of the trip would of went i would of shot it and tagged it.
I do so want to go out and shoot a mountain lion in the black hills but they i think issued only 70 tags for last year's season. so my chances are very slim.
I have shot Upland Birds, some waterfowl and deer in each of the following states. I lived in each of them for a number of years. Minnesota, Oregon, North Dakota and Washington..........Bob
Only Kansas, but I've taken a little bit of everything. I would love to go to South Dakota sometime soon!
Only Iowa so far, but hoping after college to get out and hunt some of Canada and would like to go down south for some warmer weather hunts.
Have Gun, Will Travel

Colorado, Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, Arizona
Kansas and Colorado hoping to get better in these two states before I go searching for new ones :)
Killed turkeys in 27 states and counting.

WOW:thumbsup: When did you start this adventure? Are you going for all 50states. Do you shotgun or bow or both? If you bow hunt them how far of shot would you consider? I want to try bow hunting turkey this year. Been praticing 25-30 yds is that a good distance?

Capt, Started turkey hunting back in 1974, have killed birds with both archery and shotgun. Didn't start the state thing until several years ago, not sure when that started in ernest. Have killed about 60+ with a bow and hundreds all together. Have taken a few World Slams, I love waterfowl hunting, specifically geese, but the turkey hunting is the best bird hunting. I would suggest shooting at what ever range you are comfortable, don't mean to sound so simple but it varies from person to person. I am not a tournament shooter, I would reccomend shooting your bow and being as accurate as you can. Thanks.
Wow! you guys have been around the block.:cool:

I've been around some CO,WY, IO, NE, N&S Dakota, MT and MN. that's about it.