NRA - Why or Why Not?

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I am politically independent, I like to think for myself, speak for myself, and stand up for myself. I resist leftist radical mantras, as well as the fear mongering extreme right. I would not propose to be your leader, or example, tell you how to live or what to believe, nor will I be told by Obama, the Tea Party, the NRA, or any of you. Our politicians should vote based upon a belief of whats right for their constituents and the entire country as well. I realize this is influenced by lobbists both to the advantage of causes we may believe in, as well as causes we may most decidedly not believe in. It's wrong, it exists, and has existed since ancient Greece, and probably before. All paid hired professional lobbists should be banned, period. Nothing more than corrupting influence peddlers. Dollars for votes. Possible solutions may be strict term limits for all political positions, and no cushy lobbiest job when you retire. Make the decisions of the day based on merit of the debate, go home, where you came from, not retire with a lifetime pension in Palm Springs, and become a contributing member of your community. Make it political service, not a destination dream job. We just might get better people, better decisions, and representation as concieved by our forefathers, something we haven't seen since the last of the original signers passed from the scene. The political PAC's won't invest millions in a guy with a 4 year term. Just because one lobby or another happens to espouse a cause we embrace, does nothing to mitigate the fact that professional lobbying is no different than buying votes outside the local election polling place. two equally bad acts do not make a righteous outcome. As stated by Eugene Debs, in 1920, "I would not lead you to Utopia, because if you would follow me there, you would follow someone else out! You must find your own way". I commend everyone here on the well thought out positions expressed, one position we can all support, is freedom of speech, it is the debate which moves us forward. Ironically a right threatened occasionally through history, by our own government, and courts, as well.

x2. I get tired of the fear mongering of the right every bit as much as the unicorn and rainbow views of the left. I certainly agree in our right to voicing our opinion on here, and we should be able to do so without name calling. Just because you have found someone that agrees with your views does not make you right.
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You guys are absolutely right. We should all be able to express our views and opinions. Just don't expect everyone to agree. And if someone doesn't agree, it doesn't mean he or she is wrong. But we have to let it lie at that point. The name calling, etc. will only work to ruin this site.

Us Mods are watching and when a thread starts to get out of control we can and will delete it. Or if an individual gets out of control we will, and have, banned them. We want to keep this the great site that it is. Hope you all understand that. :)
I should know better but I'm going to chime in again.
I don't necessarily agree with the fear mongering the NRA puts out, nor do I agree with everything the IAFF says but............
Radicals like Scott Walker, the govenor of Wisconsin is blaming the entire fiscal mess this country is in on teachers, state workers and other union members. People have flocked to his cause like moths. Come on, it seems like a simple premise to me, decrease teachers salaries and there won't be any teachers anymore. Then who will educate our children if we can't afford to send them to private schools???
Radicals unfortunately get a lot of airtime and press be it gun haters or union haters or animal rights activists!
But, back to the NRA. If you request them to stop, they won't send the daily mailings. Whether you like it or not, the course of our country is guided by lobbyist. If you say you are not going to support any of them I guess it is your right but then you leave all the work and the financial responsibility to someone else.
The cost of the NRA yearly dues is less than I spend on a bottle of Scotch. I'm a frugal guy, I don't waste my money but I believe the Second Ammendment is a right that we must protect.
I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said "those that turn their guns into plows will plow for others". These words might not be a direct quote but I think they are close enough to give everyone the idea.
Is this fear mongering, maybe but everytime a crazy uses a weapon to kill someone it moves a few more people over to the "guns are bad" side.
The NRA is there, everyday, fighting for our right to keep and bear arms.

I don't think using the term "leech" is appropriate, it's inflammatory and rude! Even though I don't agree with those of you who do not belong to the NRA, it is your right to not belong and that; friends, is the basis of this fine country......your right to freedom of speech and thought.

no maas from me
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How long is it going to take to lock this thread? This is politics and unless ,I'M WORNG not allowed here. Lock It thank you. :)
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