New to the forum


New member
Hi folks -

I've been lurking for a while and decided that it is time to join you guys on here - thanks for having me! A little about me- I've been an active PF volunteer for about 8 years but was more in it for the habitat side of things and didn't hunt upland birds much until this season. I'm an avid waterfowler but the addition of a handsome GSP to my home led me back to the fields. :) To my dismay - he HATES duck hunting. He thinks it is too cold and boring... he fell asleep in the bottom of the boat shivering during early season. We were in t shirts. :eek:

Even with our struggling (to say the least) upland bird populations, having my own dog to work has made this the most rewarding year so far - and we still have plenty of time to make some memories! I'm looking forward to traveling with him and seeing what kinds of birds and terrain we can get into in the future... I love reading about different region's hunts on this site! I have family scattered across the country, so maybe we'll be able to get into some birds in Texas, Colorado, California, etc. in the next couple of years.

I'm still learning quite a bit about handling an upland dog - I'd only ever hunted over flushers until I got my boy in March. He was gifted to me by a friend who could no longer give him the time he deserves, so we spent the summer getting to know each other and working with some penned birds. I had no idea what he knew about birds but we fumbled through it and now he's pretty steady. :) I ran him in a local hunt test this fall and he did very well. I'm not sure if I will do another but it was good for me to see how others work their dogs - and good for my guy to get on some more birds before the season. Since then we've been working pretty hard for the slim pickin's here in Iowa but there are still birds to be found if you put on the miles. I'm always looking for company in the field - either to learn from or for good conversation so if you're in the area... say hello!

Thanks - looking forward to learning a bunch from you guys.
Welcome to both you and Brady.

Gonna be fun for you and for him. There's an element of the partnership in bird hunting with your dog that is so hard to define--part pride in ownership, pride in accomplishment, parental pride (honest), and at least a sizeable portion of awe that your dog can do THAT for you.


Have fun, be safe.
Welcome, and have fun!!

Thanks for all your work with PF and habitat, your dog has superior intellect to know that ducks are not a worthy opponent on the hunting battle field, they can' even run away for gosh sakes. Welcome to the site.
Welcome to UPH. Sounds like your dog is no dummy. LOL short hair and cold don't mix. Welcome to the better side of upland hunting. Just kidding, glade to have you on the boards. Don't be shy, This is a great sight, and and most of us on here, hunt ducks and geese when we can, pheasants, quail, sharp tails, sage chicken, p chickens, huns, red legs, and pretty much any thing else that flies, and can be eaten. Welcome once again.:)
Welcome, you have a nice looking dog, and he looks to be well on his way to becoming an outstanding bird dog.
Welcome Belle! Need more Prairie folks around here! Nice looking boy you have there. Join right in. The PF experience will be useful on the habitat thread!
Welcome to UPH. If you ever make it out to Ca let me know, I can probably offer a little guidance in most of the state.
Welcome to the forum. We have had other women members but after their intros we never heard much from them again. Hope you're the exception. Both species in your pic very attractive! :D Checked your profile and read of your varied and excellent interests.
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Welcome to the forum. We have had other women members but after their intro we never heard much from them again. Hope you're the exception. Both species in your pic very attractive! :D Checked your profile and read of your varied and excellent interests.

You guys scared them all away:mad::D Since I'm here I might as well say welcome to UPH:10sign:
I guess I forgot to mention I have 5 brothers - and I'm the only girl. I might be kind of hard to run off. :p

Thanks again for the welcomes.