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Hey everyone, My name is Matt and I enjoy all kinds of hunting. I just got done hunting elk with my bow. I usually make a trip to Frederick SD to hunt pheasant but am not going to make the trip this year. I am hoping to gain some info on where to go here in Colorado. I live in Brighton and have a 4 year old English setter. Do you guys know of any state property that would be worth hunting within a couple of hours? All of my old places to hunt around Brighton are sold out or developed. Thanks Matt
Welcome Matt. I too just finished up the archery season, arrowed and lost a 6x6 unfortunately. I used to hunt around Platteville (knocking on doors) almost exclusively but the numbers further east make it worth while these days. If you're looking to stay close, there are usually birds around Brush in concentrated areas.
:thumbsup: DITTO! Just another newbie like no other:cool:

I too do not know if I can stand the next month! Luckily for me I still have [5] big game tags burning a hole in my pocket! Ate one already (pronger), bagged a gobbler though so batting .500 I suppose.

I am actually hoping to bag a couple elk the first day or two of 4th season so I can make it back to the plains for the opener, so guess we will see!

Brand new pup as well for this year who is just as stir crazy as I am right now so trying to get her on some duck in the mean time, too bad my shooting is ...well lets just say it is an :eek:

Good luck to all this year!! Looking forward to swappin stories:nutz:
I know a rancher in the Orchard area and he said to come out and he would put me in a few good areas. I was also thinking about the state property around banner lakes. Has anyone ever hunted this? I missed a nice 6x6. I thought he was 40 yards and he was more like 30. My buddy shot a really nice 6x6 almost 6x7 I would guess him to score about 345. I was also able to fill my prong horn tag last Sunday and still have a deer tag for area 95. I love this time of year!
Orchard might be good if it is private...I saw & heard a couple roosters last Sat during duck opener at the new SWA Andrick ponds. Do not think they are opening it up for small game, or at least not this year but maybe one day.
FYI...I also saw very respectable 4x4 whitetail right north of Jackson Lake last Thursday! FAT body and horns just bought even with his ear wicth from what I could tell! I believe that is GMU 95 right?:confused:
Yes that is 95. but i had the two areas mixed up 95 is where I had the antelope tag and my deer tag is for 99. I will be hunting around the Hoyt area along the creek bottom. Thanks for the info
Hey rookies. Welcome to the sight. If you want to get into birds, your best bet is the areas around Holyoke and Yuma. I spend most of my time in Phillips and Yuma counties. Get a walk in access stamp and atlas, and go for it. There is tons of public land out east. I have friends in Holyoke, and everyone is saying this is the year. There are birds everywhere. We'll see. My buddy also said the crops may not be out for opening weekend. I guess that's okay. It will save more birds for us die hards that go out in December and January.

Happy Hunting!

P.S. I can't wait to elk hunt. I'm headed up third season. Still looking to tag my first bull.
Thanks Chadsbritt!

This will be my second year doing the walk-in thingy as I had some pretty good days last year. I am kinda of hoping that there is some corn left for later as I think that is really what helped me last year too. The first couple of weekends I still had pretty good success, but it was nice to have lots of birds trickling all the way into the new year.

Talk at everyone soon!:cheers:

HC Out!
The reason I wouldn't be dissapointed if the corn was still in over opening weekend is because there are so many hunters out during the first couple of weekends. If the corn is still up, not nearly as many birds will be taken during those first couple of weeks; leaving that many more birds for the real hunters. :thumbsup:
Exactly! Too many places to run & hide!:D
I couldn't agree more with you guys! :thumbsup: Cant wait for my dog to get back in the game after how good she was last year. I went shooting with some friends the other day and my dog was not happy when I put the guns in the truck and she didn't get to come. Hey HC I think you and I are part of the same fishing forum on fishexplorer.
YEP! Matt is my boy! Since being laid off in June I am living on these forums when not out hunting or fishing!!!:thumbsup:

Too many sites to list, but let's just say I loose a lot of sleep...if I ain't getting up at 3:30 like this morn to go hunting or fishing, I am up all night reading & writing on the net:eek: That is what my eyes look like when I get to bed!

Going to be a whirlwind tour for me until I get to hunt some phez...

This morn I only saw [4] teal, that hit my deeks as I was in them laying out the last couple!!!:confused: They scared the heck outta me! I thought it was the darn beaver that was slapping the water since I walked up, but they landed in the middle of my deeks maybe 15 yds away! The little buggers were messing with my mind! ...they even let me walk to shore and load my gun before jumping!!! Got one shot off, but no luck and that is all I saw. FRICKEN EVEN GOT KNOCKED IN THE NASTY SLEW BY MY PUP!!! The little shit!:mad: Glad it wasn't too cold, I stuck it out soaked head to toe!!

Planning on hitting Granby tomorrow if the pass isn't too bad to get the boat over it and then the Colorado on Sunday on the way home...if there is too much snow to pull the boat we are just going to hit the Colorado both days!

Then Monday I have a reservation for the new SWA Andrick again to try my luck on some duck again. Then I am headed strait out for the long lost FAR southeastern desert to try and bag a couple of whitetails with my bow!!!

Then I will prolly take a week of rest and get ready for my 4th season elk hunt which I am leaving for on the last day of 3rd season so I can get in a couple of days of scouting. So I will probably miss opener phezzy, but it is all good as it is usually a mad house out there anywayz!!!:cool:
This year as always will be a mad house. My high recommendation is this. Opening weekend skip Saturday. Travel Sunday morning plan a Sunday afternoon,Monday,and Tuesday. Should make a good trip for the front side. After that weekdays is still best, and morning after snow storms. Good luck guys. They are thick.
Hey all... I too am new to the world of Colorado bird hunting... don't even know where to start.

I've hunted all my life in ND (pheasant mecca) and spent the last couple of years in ID before work forced a move to CO. I was fortunate enough to take a 5x5 elk with my bow at the beginning of the season, but now I'm in search of birds. I still have to get used to the fact that all private land is considered posted. Both ND and ID require posted signs or markings, which leaves a lot of private land free to hunting.

I have a 2.5 yr yellow lab that is absolutely begging me to take her out. I'm into hunting most species of game birds, but primarily focus on Chukar, Partridge, Ducks, Geese, and Pheasants. I really don't know where to start for any of them, so any help would be greatly appreciated! I'll browse the forums when I get back from work tonight and see what I can learn.
Hi HC,
I'm new to the site as of Sunday and wanted to report that we saw a fair number of birds on our opening day hunt in Yuma county and more hunters than I've ever seen in eastern CO. My two labs retrieved six for our group (two were mine). I'm recently retired and hope/plan to hunt a lot more this year so send me a PM if you might want to partner up. I live in Aurora.

Good luck this season.
Hey All,
I'm a newbie on this site & to CO pheasant hunting too. Had a great opening day out - a one-man limit with just the pooch & I! I sure could use a couple decent hunting buddies, as I plan on hopefully trying to get out an average of once a week for the duration of the season & WHEW, that's some tough work trying to corral or outsmart a bunch of birds with one man and one dog! :) PM me if anyone is interested...

Chadsbritt, I really appreciate your gentlemanly, helpful demeanor for all of us rookies on the site. Have learned a ton from you and others, learning to put it all together & make it work for me in my own situation & few hard sought out spots so far. Thx a million! Hat's off to ya--you're in a class all by yourself (and a much better man than me for sharing some of your hard-won personal general locales--which btw, I have not even bothered to investigate)! :)

I'm certainly no local-yocal or pheasant expert by any long-shot of the imagination, but guys it sure looks to be a good CO year for pheasants to me! I saw tons of birds in a certain locale where all the corn was pretty much cut, & flushed a couple hundred birds out of one private, gnarly hell-hole/honey-hole alone where I easily got my three (yeah, I wouldn't have believed it either if I hadn't been there - & you cannot even begin to imagine just how gnarly the cover was, even the dog could hardly get thru it - but man was it crawling with pheasants)!!! Haven't seen birds like that since my one-&-only trip to ND a few years back! There were lots of other birds in the general area!...Made a long scouting-run circle on my way back to Denver after limiting out, but way too much corn still standing in most areas.

May you all be blessed with a long & bird-filled season of camaraderie (both human & canine)!!! :)