New Fiocchi ammo at Running's

I know this is an older post but just as a FYI, Runnings Farm & Fleet also does business as Running's Big R and Running Supply, Inc.
Fiocchi also was selling "exclusive loads to Scheel's. Black hull. Runnings Daktas that I saw were clear. I think a lot of the 1.25s are the same shell with an exclusive hull ie the marketing guys are doing a great job.
Having said that, I seem to be buying all Fiocchis and they are performing well. I shot 16ga this weekend and shot my share of birds 1.125oz and the dogs only chased 1 cripple. I missed more than my share in the mini-blizzard Sat. and still killed three over points with the 12 Benelli. Need the sxs on pheasants but have all double triggers which means I need a light right glove.
I have been using the Dakota Country shells this year and they have worked well for the few birds that are here in SE MN. The lower velocity of 1225 fps is easy on the shoulder in the O/U.
I use the Dakota Country loads also. They have worked fine for me and the price can't be beat.
For anyone wanting to buy some of the Upland 34 shells, Runnings has them on sale for $7.91 per box.

I went to their web-site and can't find anything about these shells on there. I live in Maryland and do not have a Running's anywhere close by. Do you know if they will ship these shells? I am interested in 16 ga. #5 shot. Thanks, any help will be greatly appreciated.
I got the same load from Rogers a couple years ago, great shells. Picked up a case for $79.99. Can't find them anymore, they worked just ifne for me!
I went to their web-site and can't find anything about these shells on there. I live in Maryland and do not have a Running's anywhere close by. Do you know if they will ship these shells? I am interested in 16 ga. #5 shot. Thanks, any help will be greatly appreciated.
Do not know if they are making that shell type in 16 ga, but the regular Fiocchi 1 and an 1/8th has worked well for me. Cabela's should have them price?
Fiocchi seems to package their shells with many different names on the boxes. I bought a box of Gander MTN Fiocchi shells a couple seasons ago. 12 gauge 1 1/4 Oz # 4's for around $10.....
They also make 3" 20ga 1.25oz lead loads for about $10.00 a box last time I checked on Cheaper Then Dirt. Nobody can touch that price.
I'm amazed at how fast people who have never even shot one shell or even picked up a box to look at and they have already decided that they are inferior. In 1942 they killed 4, 500, 000 roosters in South Dakota. and they didn't have any Prairie Storm, Golden Pheasant, Etc shells. How can that be? Most of the ammo back then had paper cases with multi piece felt/card board wads and you were lucky if the gun they were shooting had ever been even cleaned in it's life. I remember old timers talking about the red dust that would fly when they fired the gun for the first few times of the season. RUST!

Here's a idea, try it before you knock it like DZ says. I'm going to.
I tend to agree. We see a lot of overkill on here. The caveat is I shoot 90% of my birds after kicking them with my foot, often with a 20ga 1oz. load.
About 2 months ago I bought 29 boxes of shells from a gentleman 21 boxes were 16ga. Nearly all older shells, a few boxes of steel. Lots of Winchester Super X, some Remington Express long range. Even some 1.25oz Magnum duck loads. $80.00 for all 29 boxes. I bet I have near 40 boxes of 16ga now. I enjoy the day lights out of stuffing these into one of my 16ga's and taking some game with the combo. Kind of like I'm still back in the hay days of when I grew up. Some are marked with Target price stickers. I remember when they sold guns, ammo and other hunting gear. They always had Winchester Super X, Super X..XX magnums. How many remember when Holiday Plus was in business in the twin cities? They had a fall flyer/sale that was like a Christmas toy catalog to a kid. Man where those the days.
They work OK sure. But talking old days is totaly different. The old loades had better knock down but less distance. More arck in your shot stream and those guns were all full choke. Sure they worked. All these changes were forced on us by the feds unless we forget. "AKA" Steel shot. Remember how that crap sucked, all the blerrrrdddddttt noises you heard as it hit ducks and geese that just kept flying away. Full chokes did not work with steel. You now had to get your old guns bored or go to the neat screw in choke system of the newer "fancy" gun. This started all the playing around with the different shot different chokes etc. And now it has come down to what works for u in your gun. Period. I love the old shells when you can find them, they still perform fine sure. But not too many old timers are selling them on street corners. I scored 8 or 9 boxes of old federal duck and pheasant last year too. Used em up already, worked great. wished I had a truck load of them. But I dont. So I go with what I find works the absolute best for me in my gun. I'll try any thing once. As long as it is lead.
Huh? I may have to try a box at training. That will tell the story. We shoot so many of the PF rounds, and let the bird ride to 35-40 yards. Not much lead or at all really. So I will shoot the same and see if I am falling behind. And how many birds go down dead. When we use the PF, there 99% dead. I will still will buy PF for 10$ a box in a couple months. But if they work as well, which I doubt, I will buy them as well, by the case.:thumbsup:

I could never find them local here either. The dakota loads that is:( Oh well, where did you get them onpoint?
How many remember when Holiday Plus was in business in the twin cities? They had a fall flyer/sale that was like a Christmas toy catalog to a kid. Man where those the days.

If you are talking about that big Holiday store in Bloomington then I remember it well. How long has that store been gone?