My 12yr old son, Colton, gets his first pheasant!!


New member
Well, attention all Colorado pheasant 12yr old son Colton, shot his first pheasant today, Sunday 20 November 2012.

I got to witness the whole thing which was awesome!!

So, it was about 1500hrs, not much wind, temp about 33degrees.

We had two blockers at the end of this long tree row (all cedars, lots of tumbleweeds underneath, and good trashy pheasant cover)

After the two blockers got in place, myself, Colton, my buddy Rich and my Kansas connection's dad, got out with 4 labs and one GSP and started pushing the tree row towards our blockers. Colton and Rich were on the right with the GSP and my chocolate female Roxie and my 1yr yellow lab female Daisy. I was trying to get my old 13yr old yellow lab Titan (he is about half deaf now and slowing way down)....the guys dad was on the left with his dog.

Just as soon as I started towards them (pulling up the rear) a hell breaks loose. Roosters are flusing right and left. Two flush left in front on Colton and Rich. Rich is walking nearest to the trees and Colton on the outside. The guys dad is up on the left and I am trying to catch up with him but with birds flushing I am also trying to see what is going on.

Well, that's when I see two roosters flush right and I see Colton swing up and boom, he knocks down a rooster, one shot!! Roxie and Daisy are tearing after it. Rich didn't have his gun loaded. He had alot going on at that moment (story for another day). Meanwhile, I am yelling "Colton you shot your first pheasant, yeah baby...woo, hoo!!! I was so pysched!!! :10sign::thumbsup:

The dogs brought it back and we put it in his vest. He carried that bird the rest of the day and we have it sitting in a nice safe place. Thanks to a fellow on the forum, Colton will have his first pheasant mounted.

He shot it with his 20gauge remington, youth model pump.

We are hunting tomorrow morning for a bit and then heading out.

I am so proud of him. :thumbsup:I hope this is just the beginning of alot more birds that he will shoot.

I will post pics when I get back. I have them on my camera, but my cable to connect to my laptop is at home.

Tell Colton Roger says CONGRATS!!! :thumbsup:
Did he let out a whoop or guttural yell & get "sewing-machine-legs" (a rock-climbers phrase for uncontrollable leg shaking) like both my kids did on their very first bird or deer??? :D
Hey Greg,
That's a great moment for your son and especially for you to be able to witness it. I've been following the exploits of you and Colton on here so this if pretty cool. I hope it's the first bird of many more to come as he continues to hunt with you.
Way to get the young 'un hooked. Pheasant hunting got me started on all sorts of hunting, maybe that'll happen w/ Colton... it's a gateway hunt! :cheers:
Way to go Colton, retrvrman I hope he didnt see you cry I had a heck of a time explaining that to my son on his first bird. Congrats!!!!!!!
That's Grrrrrreeeeaaaaaat! I hope there will be many more birds for Colton this season!!!!!
Not sure how the meat works out when you get them mounted, but would make some great snacks on Thanksgiving day and much to be thankful for...A young Hunter!
Always great to see the next generation take the helm. Good job.
Sorry I'm a little late Colten but congratulations!!! With a dad like your I'm sure you will have many more opportunities to knock down some more. Greg NEVER forget these moments or take them for granted. Have a great season :cheers:

Thanks everybody....I did get choked up a bit. He tells everyone about it. He keeps asking him what type of mount he should get. I am going to get it over this week to get mounted.

I hope that next year I can get him out on youth watefowl day (he couldn't go this year because he had broken his wrist riding BMX) and get his first mallard drake!! And then try big game as well.

I just want to get him exposed and teach him the lessons that hunting teaches.

I will say, he is very safe with the gun. We always check where his shooting/firing zone is dependng on what and where are hunting, where the dogs are, the blockers, and other hunters.

I have told him the #1 thing that guys will get mad about and not want to hunt with is an unsafe hunter.....he is a good boy.

I clean up the breasts last night from the other birds we shot. He wants to fry them up for Turkey day so we will, like chicken strips. Dip them in Franks red hot and ranch...:cheers:


Wow what a thrill. I remember the "firsts" of everything my children have done. Nice job and tell him good luck the rest of the season.

You know, I just learned about it from a wildlife ranch I hunted... but are you aware of the "Hunter outreach" program? Kids can apply for waterfowl, pheasant or big game (doe/cow) licenses on sweet private land... They write an essay I think and get selected. The place I hunted offers youth a chance at whitetail does... great spot south of La Junta.

Anyhow, just an idea. Here is a link...
You know, I just learned about it from a wildlife ranch I hunted... but are you aware of the "Hunter outreach" program? Kids can apply for waterfowl, pheasant or big game (doe/cow) licenses on sweet private land... They write an essay I think and get selected. The place I hunted offers youth a chance at whitetail does... great spot south of La Junta.

Anyhow, just an idea. Here is a link...

Thanks...I will have him do that for next year...sounds awesome!!:10sign:

Colton with his first pheasant

Here is a pic of my 12yr old son Colton with his first rooster.

Great picture!

You know my wife complained come the weekend during bird season, my sons and I and usually some of the other father/sons would be hunting. I told her she would know where we were all at and that if the boys continued to want to hang out with their dads on the weekend it was a good thing. One of the parents would host a wild game feed at their place every year for all the families. Fond memories!

My sons, now in their mid thirties, still like to hunt with dad. I am truly blessed. I would hope that you and Colton can enjoy the same.