Missing members

Every once in awhile I think of a member that's "missing" from the boards, for no apparent reason. I wonder sometimes, especially before so many of us hunted together and shared PM's, if one of our forum buddies passed onto the next life, would we even know about it:confused:

What ever happened to landman? He was a regular contributor 4-5 years ago, but he hasn't been on since 2010. I gotta wonder if he decided he didn't like us:D, if he decided he didn't like his computer anymore, or if the ole' boy has passed onto the other side:(

Kiotehntr stays busier than he ever did before. He decided to turn the ole' beer-gut into a 6-pack and become a power-lifting, gym-rat (I hope he sees this).

Bobbyrite, Shadow.....we know they chose to move on one way or another. There were times I didn't think I'd miss those guys but I do. Shadow always shared great photos and I truly wanted to hunt with the guy one time. He inticed me with a shoe-box of old hunting photos.....I nearly made the trip to Liberal just to see those pictures:eek:

Anyway, to kill time if not entertain, who else are we missing?
Oggie! I saw he'd posted within the last year I believe, but there was another one whose posts I miss.
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Land man had differances and got PO'd. Shadow was banned a year or more ago, because he attacked everyone. Kit is just busy last I heard on the road. Bob, I think he got mad about some issue with a couple folks. Oggie, no clue. I thought there was some move or something and lots going on in life. I remember a few folks went in the service too. Hope they are OK.
WildCat has been M.I.A. from the site for some time now. I sent off a few PM's over the past year or so with no response. That's not like him:confused:

Hope he's alive and well:eek:

Hen, hen, Rooster is another one I haven't seen around here lately, though with him, you never know. He might be overseas on a missions trip. God willing he and his family are well.

OK Wildcat not sure. But I do know some of the guys just got fed up with the bickering going on by some. It has been said by several. We have had a meeting of the minds recently, and those sort of things are getting looked at a bit more then the last year. The names you guys are bringing up were all active before when the group kept things a bit more under control. Much of which can be avoided by new members reading rules first. That is why some of the mods end up as a target, or simply PO'd and leave. I think when we do something, we have seen a pattern with the trouble makers. They will instantly cry out to management, or other mods crying wolf so to speak. It will not work anymore. Best to let things go and not complain, think, and move on. We all have our days, and the guys are very forgiving. So if we all could just try a bit harder to keep things civil, not wory about petty things, and be helpful. It will keep the place more alive.;)
I miss the reports from Rancho Deluxe, and there was a cop in the Pierre area that had quit his job to spray crops, this must be 2 years ago, he had some great reports in that area. I also remember that he posted pictures of his motorcycles.
I want Bob back. He had I nice way of telling me to settle down:) He had really groovey post to:thumbsup: He even tried to help me put a spell correction thing on my computer. Didn't work maybe thats why he left:D
I miss Bob too, loved his posts. I've seen him lurking once or twice but no posts. More than all though I miss shadow, that guy was a hoot and he got banned right after I learned how to decode his cryptic posts.:D

Goldeneye was another good one i miss. He was supposed to take me grouse hunting.:mad:
I miss Bob too, loved his posts. I've seen him lurking once or twice but no posts. More than all though I miss shadow, that guy was a hoot and he got banned right after I learned how to decode his cryptic posts.:D

Goldeneye was another good one i miss. He was supposed to take me grouse hunting.:mad:

I hunted with Goldeneye a few weeks ago. Just a super guy and his wife is the same. He's alive and well.
I hunted with Goldeneye a few weeks ago. Just a super guy and his wife is the same. He's alive and well.

Glad to hear. I always enjoyed his posts and I remeber he was quite the chef. Tell him I said hi.:cheers:

Bob and the others are missed Goldeneye has a great sense of humor and I miss the jokes he pm'd me.:)
Glad to hear. I always enjoyed his posts and I remeber he was quite the chef. Tell him I said hi.:cheers:

They fed us well with good chow made from the pheasants we shot. Just outstanding hosts, couldn't find better people.