Miss Kansas

Okie, you must be sheltered. People's Republic is just South of me. It is like going to Wally World. Except You can see it all in one trip!!! I even got punched in the nose from a bag lady who had more hair on her chin than I do!!!!
Quail Hound , on your way stop by here. You may be into the hair on the legs and pitts!!!!!!:D

That's all those pot smokin' chicks. We have a whole commune of them in the inner city KC called Emerald City. Bunch of tree huggin wackos
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Do they look something like this?:D

Do they look something like this?:D


Honestly, I am not sure if that is a Dude or a Chick!!! I have a rule to never assume!!!! I think I just threw up in my mouth!!! I would like to get back to Missoutdoors!!!
Do they look something like this?:D


Geezze,:eek::eek: IS that by-produduct of what GMO's and selective stem cell mutation looks like? I just made a trip through Colorado too. Scary!
I wouldn't say plenty!!!! But agree with the bow size!!!!:D:D