Male or Female Dog? Pro's Con's


New member
So I think I found a pup. GSP and I have the choice between male or female and not sure which way to go. Does this really make a difference? What are your guys thoughts? Any help would be great!
I've had two Brittanys...each a female. Both times the breeders told me the same...No difference except for a female in heat...if she's spayed, no difference at all.
I have a male and female GSP.

There are some big differences between my two but most is probably due to age difference, the fact that they come from totally different breeding lines, etc.

My female is a little more calm and the male is more high strung, the male is probably a little more cooperative and the female a bit more hard headed, but again this is probably due more to breeding and not necessarily a male / female thing.

One thing to think about though is size - males do tend to be larger and females a bit smaller. The breeder should be able to give you an idea of how large the pups will turn out to be (look at the parents).

My female is smaller and takes up less space in the truck, dog box, etc. she can use a smaller crate than my male if I am transproting them that way or travelling long distances where they may not always stay in the dog box in my truck. This is something to think about if you are going to be traveling with your dog. A smaller dog will take up a little less space, and is easier to physically handle when you need to do so. It doesn't effect me much becasue I am transporting two and all the stuff that goes with two dogs but it is something to consider.
Don't worry about sex. Go see the pup and take the one who picks you. If none grab your attention very fast just keep looking until you find one that says "Im yours, take me."
Is your pup from a breeder near Wamego? I got one of mine a couple years ago from a guy not too far from there and he is turning out to be a really good dog very natural at everything and super smart.
Nope from north of Kansas City. Has a couple of pups and a started dog. I have not had a GSP for 10 years or so. Went to EP for the break. I was also thinking of a Setter or Brittany but ran accross these pups and kinda fell in love from the pictures.

Is your pup from a breeder near Wamego? I got one of mine a couple years ago from a guy not too far from there and he is turning out to be a really good dog very natural at everything and super smart.
Best advice I heard in a long time. This is the way to do it. It's been so long I forgot this part of it. My little girl is going with me too. I'm sure she will have her own opinion. She already told me were are going to get two.

Don't worry about sex. Go see the pup and take the one who picks you. If none grab your attention very fast just keep looking until you find one that says "Im yours, take me."
Old Dublin: `Male...they keep your truck tires clean.''

Long time female dog owner, I stop as a friend's house with newly-rebuilt 4wd hubs and I am looking at this thin, stained but nearly clear substance on the hubs. I am looking, and looking. I call the mechanic who did the work, thinking something is wrong (I kid you not) and as I am on the phone with him, my buddy's springer goes to hit for the cycle -- all four tires.

Had to call the wrench back because I hung up while cussin' :eek:
If possible, "Let the pup pick you" is sound advice. I've had more females than males, all were easy to train, great hunters, and splendid companions/house dogs. Once males learn to lift & pee, they are a tad messier than females in my humble opinion, but with males comes burned shrubs; with females dead spots in the lawn. Males have seemed a bit more durable, to me anyway. All of my dogs have been devoted, but my current male is extremely devoted; maybe that is a factor of living alone now. Whichever you pick, enjoy . . . there's NO substitute for a dog.
Lmao, I've come to like the custom look of piss stained tires.:D

DaisyBuck I love that name. I have a female named Daisy and the first dog that I owned as a boy was a pitbull/ coonhound mix named Buck. A fearless dog he was just like his namesake from Call of the Wild.
I wouldn't worry too much about gender if you don't already have a preference. Both have pros and cons. Pick whatever pup your gut tells you to.
i doubt i will ever own another female.

and i'm certain i will never have a litter of puppies. i will leave that to the professionals.

that said, i really don't think it makes any difference in terms of hunting.

i doubt i will ever have another dog altered. and as such, don't want to deal with the hassle of having a dog in heat. it seems to never fail, they come in season when there's a big trial or a trip out west.

most of the stereotypes about females vs males are old wive's tales. including the ones about intact males not making good house dogs, running off after every bitch, aggressive, humping everyone's leg, etc. and i've seen females that are every bit as sturdy, driven and bold as their male litter mates.

the ONLY stereotype that i have found to be true is that, on average, males do tend to mature slower. sometimes up to a year slower. they just seem to take a little more time to settle down and figure out what their sole purpose in life is - pointing birds for the boss.
My boys will be 8 in July, raised them from birth. Be looking for a pup to bring up after this season and am leaning towards a female. These boys are great! They seemed easier to train, and I was working with 2 at the same time. Both excellent hunters. They come from German bloodlines. My 1st shorthair was a female from Kansas bloodlines I got from a backyard breeder for $ lucky. She was one helluva hunter with a nose that could find any bird in the county. Just wouldn't retieve all the way back to hand. Maybe my fault. She was more protective. Had some one over and they were doing the light punch on my shoulder and she jumped up and grabbed his arm. I believe she would have defended our family with her life. Don't know if it's a male / female characteristic but I don't see that in my males.
Nice Looking pup!!!!