made in the usa?

iowa labs

New member
what does this really mean? i work in a manufacturing plant. at the end of the line we put a sticker on our products that says made in usa. but most of the steel and componets are from other countries. maybe it should say assembled in usa?:rolleyes: :cheers:
I've been seeing several more products lately that display "manufactured/assembled in the USA" of late, as you suggest.
Somebody should come up with a shopping website called " Made in the USA." That would do good I think. I would shop there.

Probably already done.

Would you shop there if everything was 50 %-100% higher priced? Maybe enough of us would, how many own CSMC shotguns?
I believe that goods not produced in the USA should have a unique identification.

Here is one example of what just might wake america up
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Would you shop there if everything was 50 %-100% higher priced? Maybe enough of us would, how many own CSMC shotguns?

I wish I had the $$$. I do wear my Russell mocassins while in the fields and my Filson original vest when its cold enough though.
a lot of our fittings have china stamped on them. some one in china makes a fitting and it gets shipped 1/2 way around the world cheaper than we can make it here:eek:! how much do those people make? we have had our lines almost at a stand still because of over sea issues.
I wish I had the $$$. I do wear my Russell mocassins while in the fields and my Filson original vest when its cold enough though.

The Russell would be great for archery season
I love those vests but can't afford it or the mocassins
The Russell would be great for archery season
I love those vests but can't afford it or the mocassins

I am notorious for destroying a 50 dollar vest and a 100 plus dollar pair of boots per season so I figure if I get 4 seasons out of each I'm even and anymore than that I came out on top. The vest has 2 seasons on it and looks brand new.