Live Pheasant Photos

I shot my limit early today (I'm in SD for those of you who don't know) so I shot with my camera for a while.


I even caught a scequence (barely) of PTM and Lilah getting a rooster.

This was after PTM's limit.

Man Robert what great pictures. Andy's place has come along way since I first hunted there. I am glad you guys are enjoying it. I talked to Kirk last night and he said there seems to be a lot of birds around, sounds like the hunting has been good.
The old dog

Wish you were here Tom, as always I really appreciate the invite, I'm no expert but the bird population seems to be doing well. Lilah is pushing 9 so to get her out on the birds means alot. She had a couple retrieves today that I'll remember for the rest of my life. I can't thank you enough.
Great job Rob! Safe hunting and safe travels on the way home my friend.

Kind of hard to see but this is a hen pheasant wading around up to her belly for no apparent reason, I watched her for quite a while out there.

I just love that last picture of those two pheasant. Grandma and Grandpa. So dang fat, can't even leave the roost! Another great picture. Thanks.
And Merry Christmas!
Great pics! I only have a very few. The first one, though, is the photo my credit card image came from. My wife frequently gets comments about the pheasant credit card image.

One thing I find interesting is the varying colors on the roosters' heads. I did see a post from Preston1, where he mentioned various strains of pheasants. I did not know we may have different strains in different areas (maybe some in the same areas)!


