Like fine wine, what's your favorite brand/load?

I have not shot the fiocci's but I do like the better grade of Winchesters and Federals (not the prairie storms though)

I like shot size 4 and 5 for pheasants, either 1 1/8 oz or 1 1/4 oz loads.
That's IT I am retiring my Nitros. Went hunting south of the MPLS St. Paul Metro today. Big rooster came out cattails he should never have been in, I emptied my gun on a straightaway shot and touched nary a feather!

Must be the shells... Right? :eek:

Lord help me if that's the last rooster I get a shot at this season `cause it is going to haunt me for the rest of the year.
This place had been hunted so many time by so many people there should not have been a rabbit or a mole left. We heard him cackling (laughing?) in the cats and went after him. Seriously: There were what appeared to be motor vehicle tracks through this WMA cover. I collected three beer cans just walking through.:rolleyes:
I picked up a few boxes of Wolf #4's at Cabelas a few years ago. The cycled well and every bird I hit went down clean. I paid $3.97 a box. I wish I had bought a case at that price. I normally shoot what I can find at Walmart.
Fiocchi Golden Pheasant GPX 1 3/8 oz #4 shot @ 1485 fps. Noticeably less lead than my old shells @ 1250 fps. I also like finding the shiny BB's when I clean the birds, and the yellow box just looks cool. Has anybody ever seen or heard of #3 lead shot?
Kent Fast Lead in a 5 shot works best for me. Last season I was only able to get out one weekend and I fired nine times and got 8 birds. Every one of them dead when they hit the ground. I don't think it had anything to do with my aim, seeing as I didn't really put any extra time into shooting clay birds. This year my average wasn't nearly as good. Birds were scarce at best so I had a tendancy to rush my shots, fearing that would be the last bird I'd see for the season!
Remington Express 16...1 1/8-6
Federal WS 16...1 1/4-4
WWXX 12...1 1/2-5
Kent 12..1 1/2-4
Federal Champion papers 12...light 7 1/2s
Kent Upland 20...1-7 1/2
Win AA 20...7/8-8
B&P 28...3/4-7 1/2
Estate 28...3/4-8

What would I like to see again?...Peters Blue Magic...1 1/8-7 1/2
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My ammo purchases mirror my wine purchases: They both come in a box and are cheap. :cheers:
My ammo purchases mirror my wine purchases: They both come in a box and are cheap. :cheers:

I have a standing agreement with a landowner out west; I supply the beer and the bullets, he supplies the birds.
You my good sir sound like a person who might be willing to make a trade, how about 4 birds to the box. What do you say BritChaser, we have a deal.:cheers:
I'm the worlds worst about putting shells up; so my favorite is the 10-15 that I pull out of my tool box and throw in the vest pockets. If I'm paying attention,
I like a Winchester SuperSport 7.5 in my IMP barrel and a Fiocchi Golden Pheasant 3" 5 in my IM barrel. The 101 does the rest.
I bought a flat of Kent Fast Lead,20g #5s.

I have been really impressed with them in high wind on roosters.
Most of the time on pheasants I am shooting mid grade shells in #6 shot.
I hunt behind a flushing lab, and carry a light weight browning OU. So i dont want to punish the gun , or me. i use 12 ga 1 1/8 Federal, 6 shot. They are not in every store, but great for both killing pheasants, and my shoulder....

I use some 5 shot in the top barrel , 2nd shot, late in the year.
Federal used to make 1 1/4 oz copper plated 1220 fps loads in the paper hulls. especially in 4 or 5 shot.

I have a few boxes of them I recently found on clearance at an old mom and pop hardware store. The ones I have are called Federal Premium Paper. They are 7.5 shot, so I use them on pigeons on special occasions.

Now there is a dandy traditional shell for chasing after pheasants with

Nothing quite like the smell of just fired paper hulls...

Otherwise lately I have been liking to load my own with either nickel or copper plated shot.
Fiocchi Dakota Country Pheasant 12ga 2-3/4", 3-1/4 dram, 1-1/4oz #5 at 1225 fps. Shoots nice for both my semi-auto and O/U all season long.
Kent fast lead 1 3/8 #6 at about 1400 ( cant remember) not too costly and seems to work well for me, was shooting alot of Prairie Storm but its hard on birds in a 12g, but works great in a 20.
I have a standing agreement with a landowner out west; I supply the beer and the bullets, he supplies the birds.
You my good sir sound like a person who might be willing to make a trade, how about 4 birds to the box. What do you say BritChaser, we have a deal.:cheers:

Need more details. LOL :cool:
After having problems with cripples when using Prairie Storms, I went to regular Federal #6 in game/heavygame load. I couldn't be more pleased with their performance, and the switch away from PS immediately stopped my problem with cripples. I'm using a Ruger Red Label O/U top barrel with improved cylinder bottom with a modified.