I think knipix (sp?) makes the best cutter in that size range. Not sure if they would cut a 220. Maybe with cheeter bars?
all these postings are important but the bottom line you are far more likely to have serious trouble getting to your hunting area, like a car accident then your dog is ever going to find a trap. i have not dealt with this type of trap but it surely looks from the video's and post, the dog really doesn't stand much of a chance even if the hunter is there to see the trap close. if the neck isn't broken then you have a time span of maybe two minutes, pretty small amount of time with all the turmoil that would be taking place. not saying to give up but it looks like we are up against the wall on this one.
The trap can be replaced. Maybe the key here is to aim for the weakest point. That would be the jaw hinge rivet. It's not spring steel and would be easier to cut if you can get at it.
I spent a few hours looking online for tools to open one of these traps. I found this site.
I am not sure exactly how they work, but they are made for compressing the springs to set the trap. The large sets are 29 inches long. Any thoughts?