I've seen the light

Thats right been struck by lighting 3 times in my life now:eek: This last time was more uplifting then a jesse jackson speech:D Man was the flash and clap of thunder something. Shock went in my hand and up my arm tingled for hours. Storm wasn't even close:mad: Last time I even took cover and it got me. Am I the only one this happens to? Maybe I'm superhuman:D
never been struck my self but my great grand dad said he was struck twice. Swore he couldn't where a digital wrist watch after the second time. He said the watch wouldn't keep time and would just go wacky. Now he was known to tell a story or two in his day (god rest his sole )
I got shocked by a strike last year. The whole pickup I was hanging onto became electrified, me standing in soak and wet shoes, raining cats and dogs. The bolt of lightening looked about 2 feet thick as it flashed just over my head and hit in the tree's just in the woods.
Yep...been hit as well and believe it or not, I was on a motorcycle. The experts tell me I ran through a ground spike and broke the path. Didn't feel much, bright flash...but the next day it was like someone hit me in the chest with a sledgehammer.
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I'm happy I'm not the only one that lighting hits. Starting to think the almighty was targeting me:D Last nights thunderstorm scared me:eek: Guess browndog was right get in the basement when storm hits:D
never been, never want to, just enjoy reading about guys that have been. :) I understand some can not use a compass anymore. Any of you lucky guys who have joined the billion volt club had any trouble with a compass. I hear it can make you imputent SP?:eek:
While I was driving truck it was struck. It did not affect me but it messed up the electrical system on the truck.
hey cootie most people say that the hair on top of thier head stands up and warns them. oh thats right your hair deprieved:D now i suppose your going to tell us you have a large 'ground rod':thumbsup: glad your ok i dont know what i would of done with your cabela points
My truck also was struck by lightning. It killed everything electronic. Everything! Even killed the CD player and heated seats...

I think it would have been cheaper for the insurance company to total it out... But they didn't. I think it was such a long process after putting the new ECM, and then going part-by-part, they already had too much tied up in repairs to quit halfway through so they just had to finish.
Never been struck, but had some too-close experiences. Those were more than enough for me. The last time I was on horseback . . . horse had acted strangely all evening when she suddenly bolted. Took me a hundred yards to get her stopped. After the fact, I turned and saw a smoldering, lightning-struck telephone pole stump back near the point where the rodeo began. I grained that lady very well that night . . .

3 strikes explains a lot, Cootie. Glad all of you folks are okay.
i've heard you can feel the static building around you,earth is the ground,electrically, and it pulls the lightning down to it.yep, animals are tuned into the planet better than we are