Its time

It's right it's time for me to get my butt kicked off here. You guys ain't nothing but a bunch of tree huggers:eek: You guys are so bad you can't kill birds at a game preserve. Heck I bet you guys go on shopping trips and say you went hunting:eek: You guys will all be in KC shopping. Maybe Carptom can show you the good clothing stores HA HA HA. Intead of going to PF. Look at your hobbies blackclouds is a disco dancer and the rest of you guys is probably beauty pagents:D Heck Labmans the only one thats tough on here:D I hope all you dogs get the poops in your trucks:eek:
Well that should be enough to get the job done. Bye guys theres no way I will be aloud to stay now:) Sorry you had to read such viciousness. Hope it don't scare you for life.
Don't be running off now. :(
It's right it's time for me to get my butt kicked off here. You guys ain't nothing but a bunch of tree huggers:eek: You guys are so bad you can't kill birds at a game preserve. Heck I bet you guys go on shopping trips and say you went hunting:eek: You guys will all be in KC shopping. Maybe Carptom can show you the good clothing stores HA HA HA. Intead of going to PF. Look at your hobbies blackclouds is a disco dancer and the rest of you guys is probably beauty pagents:D Heck Labmans the only one thats tough on here I hope all you dogs get the poops in your trucks:eek:
Well that should be enough to get the job done. Bye guys theres no way I will be aloud to stay now:) Sorry you had to read such viciousness. Hope it don't scare you for life.

Now what's wrong with my wardrobe? I do buy the finest clothes that they have at the Feldman's farm and home. Jeans, boots and a button down shirt everyday of the week. Even bust out some shorts in the summer. Hey coot, if you and Labman come down south, you have to stop in at Missy B's. I'm sure they would love a couple of rednecks in there. Make sure to wear some leather:eek:
I see it hasn't worked yet:mad: That does it the moderators are a bunch of ####### you guys fill it in:D I like the second hand clothing stores 2-3 bucks a shirt can't go wrong:) Viking stuff they pay you to buy HA HA HA. Save pennies where you can:thumbsup:
I see it hasn't worked yet:mad: That does it the moderators are a bunch of ####### you guys fill it in:D I like the second hand clothing stores 2-3 bucks a shirt can't go wrong:) Viking stuff they pay you to buy HA HA HA. Save pennies where you can:thumbsup:

You ain't even close. You're just a wuss! :D
I see coot is on the wacky tabacky again
Coot, it brings tears to my eye's...very hug..:laugh::laugh:
I see it hasn't worked yet:mad: That does it the moderators are a bunch of ####### you guys fill it in:D I like the second hand clothing stores 2-3 bucks a shirt can't go wrong:) Viking stuff they pay you to buy HA HA HA. Save pennies where you can:thumbsup:

Even if you get kicked off as coot, you can always post as Labman. You know like you used to.
Coot, you need to get in-touch with your gentler side . . . get yourself a nice kitty or bunny . . .
Seems I'M going nowhere fast here:mad: So I'm going to get even more vicious:eek: I"m moving on to personal insults and thats a clear violation of forum policy:thumbsup: Blackclouds an a$$munch:eek: You read it right A$$munch. I know the public outrage on heres going to get bad but you guys left me no choice but to use the nuclearer option. I call it cootageddon:eek: Stick your heads in the sand it will do you no good. Theres no hiding from cootageddon. I bet the Mayans didn't think of this when they predicted the end of the world.'s going to b a long time til' the next pheasant season!
Seems I'M going nowhere fast here:mad: So I'm going to get even more vicious:eek: I"m moving on to personal insults and thats a clear violation of forum policy:thumbsup: Blackclouds an a$$munch:eek: You read it right A$$munch. I know the public outrage on heres going to get bad but you guys left me no choice but to use the nuclearer option. I call it cootageddon:eek: Stick your heads in the sand it will do you no good. Theres no hiding from cootageddon. I bet the Mayans didn't think of this when they predicted the end of the world.

Wow what a lame- azzed attempt to get booted. Typical packer fan. Good start, but lousy follow through. All hype and no substance. Lots of promise but no pay off. Do I need to go on?
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Wow what a lame- azzed attempt to get booted. Typical packer fan. Good start, but lousy follow through. All hype and no substance. Lots of promise but no pay off. Do I need to go on?

Alright MR. smarty pants what would you do to get kicked off? Leave the Packers alone or I'll get mid-evil on you or worse labman evil on you:eek: I'm begining to think the moderators ain't smart enough to boot me:p Their not as computer savy as me. I was trained by the biggest and brightest(I mean badest) nuns.
What a boring winter. Got to pass time some how guys:)
2nd thought, there is pest control, so maybe we can shoot them on that grounds.:thumbsup: How long do you wish to be banned for Coot?:D I think most recognize you as a harmless little kitten, all whiney and scratching at stuf, but no real pounce.
;) Heres a dose of color for ya.:D You can take your horn hat out of the closet now. Stuff the cheese head in there and get back to a normal life.
I was trained by the biggest and brightest(I mean badest) nuns.

Got ya mastered, cootie . . . 2 incarcerations during my youth with Sister Mary Knuckle-Buster. Clapped so many erasers that I still exhale chalk dust and I'm so leery of black & white that penguins terrify me . . .