You Cheesy and myself are probably about the same age -- What has changed is roundup ready crops, lack of eco/biodiversity and a switch for a lot to beans/corn rotation - limited milo - no dirty wheat fields, loss of CRP etc.Man that hits close to home. I grew up in that area. I'm fortunate to have hunted it as a kid when it was decent still, but it was all over by the time I got out of college. Funny about the turkeys, I heard that a lot around there.
I still don't understand how not a thing changed on our family farm, except the quail left. Still blows my mind. We did quit farming and it all went to CRP, but the birds were already gone at that point.
Anyway, didn't mean to detail the arguing. This Convo just took my down memory lane
We also fail to take into account that we have the Deertards who all have a corn feeder feeding corn which could potentially be poisoning the birds, also feeding raccoons and opossums, and providing raiding sites for coyotes/owls/hawks, in the name of deer habitat letting cedars/trees run amok etc. It's not the same as it was when we were in HS. There are so many variables that have all changed slowly leading to where we are today. Only an environmental disaster which we will find ourselves in will necessitate any change and we are heading there in western ks.
I disagree with @s.davis on out of state deer hunting - if we severely limited that it would open up more opportunities for locals and other upland hunters. The focus has and always has been and will continue to be on deer by the state and landowners who have glasses that allow them to only see in front of their nose -- they failed to realize the most valuable resource KS had that was being lost in nearly every other state was phenomenal upland bird #'s. You can hunt a stupid white tail in all 50 states - what was scarce and the state and ag industry failed to capitalize on was the amazing upland numbers. Once the CRP started going it was a nail in the coffin -- I've seen white tails and mulies in certain areas plummet once those sanctuaries were gone so it not only affects the birds. KDWP and our moronic elected officials that are hard to get out and will not listen to you unless you come bearing a big check will ride the deer train until we are left with german shepard sized deer and basket racks plentiful all over the south. I'm registered as an independent - no say in either party primary - so impossible to get these whack jobs out - I know I'll be voting against Ken Corbet again. He may win by default since he has an R by his name.
Turkeys have even plummeted and there is no explanation why -- I've read avian flu which could be plausible - who knows - but I wouldnt be surprised if crops could partially be attributed as well. I can't get over how little insects there are in a lot of heavily cropped areas there are. I dont have to clean my windshield much.